[hider=Titania] [b]Name:[/b] Titania Rexnas [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 40 [b]Patron:[/b] Nol Bak - The Golden Hound, Sun-Chaser [b]Appearance:[/b] Titania is a giant of a women, easily standing at just over six feet. Her muscles are well defined, bulging enough that anyone would think twice about fighting her, even with one arm down. Her skin is dark, from both her heritage and her time spent in the sun. Faint scars and wounds cross her body, the most obvious of which is the empty space where her arm used to be, making the lifetime she's spent fighting obvious. Her brown hair is clipped short, barely reaching her ears, and her eyes are the piercing yellow of a hawk. [b]Personality:[/b] Titania is a warrior through and through. She takes pride in her morality and the way she goes about things. She has a head for politics and the likes but prefers to be straightforward in all things as much as possible. Titania has a sort of quiet stubbornness about her, rather than charging around like a bull, she'll stand her ground like that one annoying donkey that you can't get to move and acts docile until you suddenly receive a hoof to the privates. [b]Background:[/b] Titania was part of a relatively unknown family. Even from an earlier age she was big and strong so serving in the militia was an obvious choice for her. As she progressed Titania found that her natural gifts were inclined to combat. Though she wasn't as much of a general as she was an astonishingly skilled fighter. Eventually however, such things can get to one's head. Fighting a bear without any armor or weapons may have been one of those instances. When a bear charged at a child playing near the outskirts of town, stuck full of arrows and bleeding heavily, Titania made the only decision she felt she could. She ran out to to give the bear what for. The bear barreled straight for the child but Titania slammed into the side of the beast like a train, her dogs that she'd been walking close behind. In the resulting struggle she managed to wrap her arms around the beast's throat as her animals tore at it and finally the thing died. But not before he mangled Titania's arm and wounded one of her dogs both beyond saving. Titania lost the arm, but still kept it in her hut as a trophy of sorts. This however, didn't stop her from serving. Titania now usually wielded a large tower shield, as big as herself, a mix of wood and metal. It was enchanted to be both more resistant and lighter than normal. But by far the most intimating part of it is the massive spike in the center of it. Nearly two feet long it makes the shield as much of a weapon as any sword. In addition the armor she wears is much the same, heavy, protective, and liberally decorated with spikes. In recognition of her impressive feats she nominated and promptly accepted into the council. [b]Personal Goals:[/b] Titania wants to protect people and do the best that she can to support the clan. She wishes other people were the same as her, interested in the common good and willing to sacrifice a bit to do so, sadly spreading her ideals is not as easy as it sounds. And it sounds pretty hard. [b]Clan Goals:[/b] Titania wants to help her clan become stronger, in fact preferably the strongest. Perhaps not strictly by ways of military but everyone in the clan should feel safe and not fear for outside dangers. There shouldn't be beggars in the streets nor bandits on the roads. Simply put, everyone should be able to be happy. Idealistic? Yes. But you can never dream too big. [b]Estate:[/b] Titania own a humble hut towards the outskirts of town. Its a small, single room affair, she lives alone besides her two dogs named Rex and Nor. It has a cot, a small fireplace, a small idol to Nol Bak and a cooking area. It it very spartan, besides these things it has a few cupboards and a single rug at the entrance. It's cozy and more than sufficient for Titania's purposes, as she spends little time here. Titania has a large tower shield, as big as herself, a mix of wood and metal. It was enchanted to be both more resistant and lighter than normal. But by far the most intimating part of it is the massive spike in the center of it. Nearly two feet long it makes the shield as much of a weapon as any sword. In addition the armor she wears is much the same, heavy, protective, and liberally decorated with spikes. [img]http://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Md95868b85c5737a2c163c36fa48c431fo0&pid=15.1[/img] [b]Traits:[/b] (7-14+7=0) [list] [*]Tall - You are of significantly imposing size. +1 [*]Defender - You are excellent at using a shield. +1 [*]Heavy Armors - You are accustomed to fighting in chain-mail and scaled armor. +2 [*]Warrior - You have direct, firsthand experience fighting on the front lines of a battle. +1 [*]Reputable - You have a spotless and respected reputation. +2 [*]Observant - You are better at noticing traps, as well as your enemies' weaknesses. +1 [*]Duelist - You are skilled at exploiting the weaknesses of heavier, stronger foes. +3 [*]Heavy Weapons - You can wield two-handed weapons, such as longspears or battleaxes, with relative ease. +3 [*]Loud - Your movements are particularly noticeable. -1 [*]Maimed - You are missing a limb(Right Arm). -4 [*]Sickly - You have a persistent illness. -2 [/list][/hider]