[hider=Darian][center]Darian Green [img]http://i.imgur.com/P9baliH.jpg[/img] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] Typically the first thing people notice about Darian, as it relates to appearance anyway, is her hair; not just because it's been bleached for as long as people can remember, but because it's rarely styled in a typical way, no simple ponytail will suffice. She stands at a comfortable height of 5'8" which, combined with her loud sense of fashion and she cuts an intimidating presence even before she says a word. It is her eyes, however, that say more about what she's saying than anything else. Hazel in color, Darian's eyes could be described by those she really looks at to be smoldering. Sure, she looks at people on a daily basis, but when she [i]really[/i] looks at someone, her eyes say it all. Her outfits complement her persona showing little regard for anything other than personal comfort. The only constant of her attire is the jacket she wears year-round and the black high top boots. Many a time she has been told to change her outfit at school, be it for being too revealing or having some crude remark plastered on it. Typically this only leads to her doubling down and refusing, only leading to further complications. Loud sums up her typical attire. [b]Personality:[/b] Darian doesn't like you. There's no getting around that simple fact and many have attempted to bridge the gap and bring her under the umbrella of 'friend' but it hasn't ever stuck. Her attitude makes her rather unapproachable - from her often vulgar manner of speaking to how casually she insults or shoots down others whether she means to or not - which really suits her just fine. Naturally this leads to all manner of rumors, some of which are even true. There's a split when it comes to Darian, some think her attitude makes her worth idolizing or...cool while some think she's nothing more than a rude, crude bully. Darian's the person who would smoke on the steps of the school and blow smoke at the ones who made a comment about it. Of course, there's not just negativity surrounding her, it's just rare to see any other side to her. Darian considers herself a predator and when her smoldering eyes find something...or someone, she likes, she's like a shark smelling blood. Naturally her stance on relationships is more casual than most, not seeing the point in making a 'big deal' out of something she believes to only be physical in nature. Darian has yet to really connect with anyone on an emotional level leading to a string of scorned, bitter lovers who expected more from someone who was interested in less. There's more to Darian than lets on, but she keeps people at an arm's length - and that's being generous - so to most observers...Darian is just exactly as she seems: a crude troublemaker that most likely won't make it to graduation. How Darian acts when the eyes of the school aren't on him are shrouded in mysteries. Rumors suggest that she comes from a 'broken home', such are the nature of rumors, while others paint a far less savory portrait. Of course the truth might well be the more shocking than the rumors but Darian certainly isn't telling. The latest object of Darian's...attention has yet to be determined, but she's always looking and she has a stellar record of getting what she wants. [b]Likes:[/b] Shorties, as in short people; entomology; Smoking; Being honest, brutally so; Rumors suggest she also has strong feelings towards a variety of topics most notably violence and fighting but as with most, the rumors are totally unfounded. When it comes to school in general the only classes she has perfect attendance in is history and biology, which is known only to those teachers and those who happen to share those classes with her. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Smoking, sugary treats, literature, greasy foods, those that attempt to 'fix' her and those that have nothing better to do than gossip like children. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Lesbian [b]Bio:[/b] "My Life by Darian Green" 'Everyone has parents so I think I do. I'm not sure if the ones that call me Darian and get upset that I failed your [s]****ing[/s] essay tests are my parents or aliens or whatever. I don't ask them because they don't talk to me. They just sit at the kitchen table and cry about where it went wrong before busting out the bottle and passing out. That's what you expect, right, teach? That's why you wanted me to write a [s]****ing[/s] essay and why you make me see the counselor? Because I ditch your boring ass class and don't read your boring-ass books I must be another troubled teen? One of those stupid bullshit stories where one concerned teacher turns a student's life around and they're best friends and they make some Lifetime [s]****[/s] movie out of it? Who are you? You teach english and think you're hot shit just because you got some fancy-ass paper and a fancy-ass office in a fancy-ass school for fancy-ass kids and what, because I'm outside the fancy-ass mold I'm your little pet project? Who am I? It doesn't matter because you've already made up my life story on day one. You wanna know what I'm about? Make some goddamn effort and stop thinking you know me before you KNOW me. I'll take the F on the next test, too. I didn't read The Great Gatsby because I care about rich [s]****s[/s] as much as I care about passing your stupid class.' [b]Extra:[/b] -She has a collection that some might consider 'gross'. One part of said collection is actually her most prized possession: an ant farm she keeps in her room. -She's been trying to quit smoking but it hasn't stuck just yet. -Despite how noticeable she is during school hours, she's rarely seen once school ends due to a social life that, because of her abrasive self, is nonexistent.[/center][/hider] [hider=Darian's Ships (But Not in the Wanted Pairing Sense of the Term 'Ships')] [hr][hr][center][color=ed1c24][b]Mackien Ackerson[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=f7976a]Enemy[/color] [i]"Who gives a shit about some whipped wannabe? The only thing he's hittin' is himself." "...Tell his sister I'm gettin' those numbers."[/i] [color=6ecff6][b]Beryll Cantrell[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=f7976a]Enemy[/color] [i]"That the creep-o with the fuckin' umbrella? Looks like a damn ghoul. Probably is. Wanna break that umbrella when it rains and shove the ghoul into a bigass puddle."[/i] [color=purple][b]Darian Green[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=8dc73f]Best Friend[/color] [i]"I hear that Darian chick punched out the principal."[/i] [color=cyan][b]Alex Hill[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=f7976a]Enemy[/color] [i]"Fuckin' nerd."[/i] [color=Burlywood][b]Matthew Stephens [/b][/color] Relationship: [color=f7976a]Enemy[/color] [i]"Fuckin' cartoon watchin' nerd."[/i] [color=9e0b0f][b]Genevieve Hazel Young[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=f7976a]Enemy[/color] [i]"She seems like someone that would be a housewife and then her spouse would have an affair and she'd still give his cheatin' ass a piece of pie. And I don't mean a damn dessert."[/i] [color=ed145b][b]Lena Williams[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=f7976a]Enemy[/color] [i]"Girls like her are frontin'. Get outta here with your Million Dollar Baby ass."[/i] [color=0072bc][b]Melanie Timere[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=f7976a]Enemy[/color] [i]"Who cares about some friendless teacher's pet? I threw a tomato against a wall and the stain was more interesting than whats-her-name."[/i][/center] [center][b][color=Tomato]Octavia Fairchild[/color][/b] Relationship: [color=f7976a]Enemy[/color] [i]"One time I was with this girl, she was in college so, you know, had that whole older thing going for her, right, but you'd never know from how much she was like butter in my hands, right? Well we were out late once, breakin' curfew for me is old hat by now, and we were in the park engaging in the heaviest of pettin'. Some creepass was watchin' us in the bushes and turns out he was college chick's ex...cept they weren't broken up at the time and I was hookin' up with someone's high school sweetheart. That anecdote? More interestin' than whoever the fuck you asked me about. She's vanilla. No one's favorite ice cream is vanilla. No one interestin' anyway."[/i][/center] [center][b][color=fff200]Antonnia Smith[/color][/b] Relationship: [color=f7976a]Enemy[/color] [i]"What's this chick think she is, Chamaeleo gracilis? Swear one time her hair was bluer than the sky. If I'm a preying mantis, cuttin' the heads off'a the chicks I sleep with, Chameleon here's a fuckin' Latrodectus. Try as she want to slake the thirst she got, dude's gotta be mad desperate to get with this chick. Plus, everyone know I do my hair way better than her. Bitch, please."[/i][/center] [center][b][color=DeepPink]Roza Krasnoff[/color][/b] Relationship: [color=6ecff6]Ex[/color] [i]"Yeah, who doesn't know we used to hook up? She said what? Jealous? Fuck off. I'm not...it's not...I ain't jealous. I wasn't. Shut up. If I were a dude I'd stay far away, she'll chew them up and spit them out as soon as some dumb cute thing walks past her. At least with me I'm honest about my flings. She sits where in class? Look, we done here? She knows why our good thing ended and if she wants to be the bigger woman and call me sometime...she's got my number. Ball's in her court, always has been. And I wasn't jealous, don't believe her lies."[/i][/center] [/hider] Theme Song: [color=purple][b]Constant applause I make a dollar a clap; I'm about to boom-bap right on outta this planet; I ain't comin down 'til an encore's demanded[/b][/color] [hider=48 Straight by Can't Stop, Won't Stop][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6jQSHPHsrs[/youtube][/hider] [hider=Devin Deion 'DeeDee' Carter][center][h1][b][u][color=palegoldenrod]Dee-Dee[/color][/u][/b][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/vgbIhj0.jpg[/img] [b][u][color=palegoldenrod]Gender:[/color][/u][/b] Female [b][u][color=palegoldenrod]Age:[/color][/u][/b] 20s. Exact Age Unverified [b][u][color=palegoldenrod]Appearance:[/color][/u][/b] -To Be Added- Personality: [B][U][COLOR=PALEGOLDENROD]Likes:[/color][/u][/b] -To Be Revealed- [b][u][color=palegoldenrod]Dislikes:[/color][/u][/b] -To Be Revealed- [b][u][color=palegoldenrod]Sexuality:[/color][/u][/b] Unconfirmed. [b][u][color=palegoldenrod]Bio:[/color][/u][/b] -To Be Revealed- Has some connection to Darian Green [b]Extra:[/b] N/A[/center][/hider]