[@EWillden] Orcs or practically minor barbarians lol. Though in all honestly, sometimes I find orcs and half orcs underwhelming eve for combat. If you look at the 3.5 orcs, they have +2 to strength, dark vision... and that's it. A -2 to intelligence and charisma shoehorn them into martial or wisdom based classes. Compare to say, a half elf, who gets +2 to some handy skills, low light vision, immunity to sleep and +2 against enchantments. I was almost tempted to ask you if I could buff half-orcs a bit, but then I figures you know what? Thus is fine. I didn't chose to be an orc for racial benefits. So what if everyone thinks I'm a fool, or as attractive as a rat's ass? So what if everyone expects me to be the dumb muscle? I don't need their boons and advantages. Weapon proficiency? Any weapon in my hands is more than enough. Skill bonuses? The only skills I need are the ones I've out effort into using. Racial feats? Being an orc is a feat in itself. Sure I'd appreciate more power, but sometimes being the best isn't measured by what you have, but how well you handle without. Also nearly all of bishops spells are from the homebrewed menu.