[center] [color=pink]Nira Seritoka[/color] The Chariot[/center] [hr] While the situation was still far from ideal, this most recent turn of events was exactly what Nira needed to begin thinking for herself again. At least, thinking for herself in so much as that she was able to process information and follow the events with more than simply a wide-eyed stare. Thankfully, Taro seemed more than willing to take the lead: exactly the characteristic she had needed him to have. This would all be an excellent story to tell somebody in the distant future - presuming anyone believed her that was. [color=fdc68a][b]"HI!"[/b][/color] Stifling a squeal of alarm with her hand, Nira twisted abruptly on the spot - almost losing her already questionable balance and falling to the ground. Instead, she managed to grasp ahold of one of the vacant seats and merely jar her elbow a little - though the pain was very real. Well, that seemed to confirm that she wasn't dreaming at least. The voice had belonged to a girl. That was good - great, actually. Another girl meant that there were more than the two of them that weren't frozen. As much as she had quickly come to see Taro as an unexpected lifeline in the darkness, another friendly face was always a welcome sight. She tried to wave, winced as her elbow refused after its collision and settled for the closest thing to a cheerful smile that she could manage right there and then. Thankfully, Taro seemed willing to do the talking for them both. For her part, Nira stuck to trying to appear friendly and welcoming - nodding occasionally to confirm her companions statements. [color=8dc73f]“I think we’re all kind of excited not to be stuck spending our time with a bunch of creepy living statues. I’m Taro, and this is Nira Seri...”[/color] He glanced back towards Nira. [color=8dc73f]“Seritoka, right?[/color] She nodded. [Color=pink]"Yeah.[/color] [Color=8dc73f]"We were just trying to figure out what to do. I’m going to go ahead and suggest exploring the rest of the train. Who knows, maybe we’ll find more—”[/color][b]Slam![/b] [color=a36209]Hello?[/color] The surprise was lessened this time, and Nira actually managed to look in the direction of the voice without causing herself any further harm. For a brief moment she considered approaching the newest stranger, but decided that given how little she knew about what was going on it was better to play things safe and stick close to the one she trusted most. [Color=pink]"Hi there!"[/color] She actually managed to chirp in an almost-cheerful sounding greeting. Things were looking up: there were more of them, and they all seemed friendly enough. With a little luck they would figure this out and she wouldn't have to endure these nightmarish... whatever-was-happening times again! After her greeting, she remained quiet again - allowing Taro to take the lead. It was best that way - there was less chance of her doing something dangerous if she just followed along. He had a plan and she was more than willing to go along with it. [color=8dc73f] “We were going to make our way to the engine room, you know, to see if things are all okay and if we run into anybody else.”[/color] [Color=pink]"I'd like that too. You to come with us I mean - it's probably safer that way. Like he said."[/color] This was much better. She smiled - genuinely this time, without needing to force it - and motioned for them with her good arm to follow. [Color=pink]"And if we all stay together maybe we can figure out how to get out of here?"[/color] And with that, she glanced around before making to follow Taro.