She could hear the walkers pushing and shoving against the entryway behind her, but the sounds faded away quickly, despite such an enclosed area. The rooms she ran through were more of the same, some with walkers, some with bodies, some with neither. She was exceptionally mindful of where side passages were, now, and how far away alternate exits were. If she ran into a dead end, she didn't want to get caught by the zombies that were surely shambling along behind her. She began to get hungry, and could hear her stomach rumble angrily at her, demanding sustenance. She hadn't been walking for more than an hour or two since she'd woken up, but she hadn't eaten anything for some time before that. She'd gone without food before, and it wasn't an experience she was keen to repeat. The tunnels went on endlessly, this one not narrowing or widening, instead just going around and around, like a rat maze. She heard the Voice yawn a few times over the loudspeakers that were everywhere, and had time to think while she walked. Who was it that was watching her? Was he the one that had set up the area she was in now? Why? To what end? Where was she, anyway? She was still pondering these questions as she rounded another corner and came to a T-section. She made to keep going, but froze when she saw the pack leering at her from the tunnel ahead of her. At some point she must have been turned around, so that she was going back the way she came, and the sight in front of her was absolutely terrifying. The walkers had packed themselves into the tunnel in front of her, taking up space where there was none. They'd evidently spent the last little while trampling over each other as they'd walked, since most of them were sporting new wounds on their faces and bodies. Broken noses, mostly, which didn't help their appearance. She could see them grinning at her, lips peeled back and rotted away, as they gazed emptily down the hallway. They advanced slowly but surely, hands pressing against the side of the tunnel, feet tripping over themselves. She watched as two at the front fell down on their faces, looked up from the floor and continued to crawl. Their fellows stepped on them without any concern. Acacia realized that as she'd been frozen, staring at the scene, they'd advanced another 10 feet down the tunnel. She tried desperately to remember which direction it was that she'd gone when she'd reached this intersection last time, and decided that she'd definitely gone right. That meant this time, she was facing the other direction, she'd have to go right again. She took the path and hurried along, glancing back to see the pack shuffle past, some of the walkers following her down, others paying no mind. She kept going, and wondered how badly her claustrophobia would be after she got out of this. The pipe ahead of her took an abrupt turn into another wall, and Acacia followed, only to find herself scrambling back, having just run into another zombie. It leered at her, and lunged forward immediately, groaning and opening it's mouth. Acacia pushed it back, and it staggered away. She backed up without looking, and felt herself hit the curved side of the turn. She fell, her hands flying over the walls for something to hold on to, and landed on her ass, hard. The pain had barely registered before the zombie fell on top of her. She tried to push it off, but it was heavy – a fresh corpse. The side of it's face had been mauled away, exposing it's left eyeball in it's entirety, looking like it was about to fall out of it's skull. It's nose had been bitten off. The two stared at each other for half a moment before the walker leaned in, going for a bite of Acacia's shoulder or perhaps her neck. Acacia grabbed it around it's neck and pushed it up, off of her, pulled herself to her feet. A hand caught at the front of her shirt, and tore off a chunk near the midriff. She scrambled away, fell down again, and the walker was on her. It sunk it's teeth into her ankle before she could even react. Her entire leg lit up like it was on fire. The area normally would've been somewhat protected – a shoe or sock at least, a pant leg. But there wasn't anything to stop it from tearing a chunk of skin and outer flesh straight from her ankle. Acacia didn't even think. She didn't scream at the pain, or cry, or allow herself to be overcome. She'd seen people go down like this before, and she raised her other foot, brought the shoed heel down on the top of the monster's skull. It knocked it's teeth off of her leg. She brought it up again, and smashed it's face into the floor. Then again. The skull collapsed slightly, but the walker groaned. Again. Again. Again. The head was reduced to a pile of decay-colored mush, laying on the floor. Acacia finally allowed the pain to register, and gave a single scream as she tried to stand. Her bitten leg would barely support her weight. She could feel pain bolting up her leg, her spine, to her brain, telling her to sit-the-fuck-down. But she wouldn't. She knew that there were more walkers, all around her. She had to move. She had to get to safety. Then she could figure something out. Anything. She tore off the rest of the lower half of her shirt, leaving enough to cover herself, if only barely. She wrapped it around her bite. The pain was bad, but not anything she hadn't felt before. She'd been sliced once, in the stomach. Mostly a shallow wound, but that's what the bite felt like. The pain wasn't as bad as it had been. She could already feel it reduced to a throb, and the rest of her leg had stopped aching. She wondered if that was a side effect of the infection, or if she'd gone into shock. She tied off the makeshift bandage, noticing that the bleeding had already gone down. She could see her own bits on the floor next to where the walker's head was, and she looked away, feeling nauseous. She limped down the tunnel, keeping as much weight off of her new injury as possible, continuing the way she had been going before. She had no other option. She'd figure something out.