The Prater had chosen to use his tail to wrap up the right arm instead of stabilizing itself, meaning that it would be on its right side from the prior explosion and therefore the angle and power behind its desperation arm flail would not be at its absolute 100% effectiveness to say the least. The claw would connect and even if the positioning wasn't awkward there was still the armor that Nergal wore that would cut down the claws impact. Sure it would cut into it, but not straight to the bone. Still the claw was sharp and likely when it went to grip the claw would carve into the armor and into the arm causing blood to spill out onto the claw and as it would grip tighter more blood would gush over its disgusting fingers. That was not the most significant action however, the swipe would move his thrust off course away from the base of the creatures jaw, however with the speed of the thrust in motion would only veer the blades tip to strike more into the creatures body closer to where the left shoulder would be and only a few inches from its neck and with the creature attempting to pull him closer to it would only drive the blade in deeper. Nergals blood from from the handle and his gauntlets would flood into the grooves and seep into the pater. It's tongue would lash out and wrap around the knights neck, and Nergal would struggle trying to keep his head back to buy just even a fraction of a second longer. Staring the horror in the monster to another in an odd nod of respect to it, he knew he had to act now and put everything he had into this. The creature was getting ready to feed and wasn't trying to dodge anymore, his own blood supply being constricted from his brain and only the dark ritual that bound his soul to his body allowing him to even think at that moment works only if he still has a head attached. It was time... There was blood everywhere at this point, from his right arm it flowed onto the creatures tail and the floor all around them, from his left arm his blood covered over the creatures hand, and from the sword down directly into the creatures body. Nergal had the runes...and it worked once before and as his teacher always said you can use an attack again if it works, but never a third time. The last three remaining runes on his body that energy stored up depleted, a blood, an unholy, and a dark combined with his last death rune to do the necrotic bomb once again. Although with less kick than with two death runes, he didn't need to try to blow up an entire car from the outside of it, it would still be more than enough explosive power considering where all the blood was. From the blood now inside the creatures body it would detonate and should not find much resistance from its softer insides. The location of the wound near its neck and shoulder region should be enough to pop the horrors head clean off and if not it should be attached to nothing more than a few pieces of flesh and hanging over its right shoulder. It's right hand covered in his blood would find it's digits and precious claw blown off. The places along it's tail where blood had splattered and spilled would also be detonated as well as the floor around the pater and likely as blood tends to do seep under things. It was a full assault, the blood already on the creatures slime next to its body would not be much a shield as the force would blow the slime away and deliver severe damage to its flesh. Though the major damage would be inside the beast and to its neck region, as the necrosis would begin to eat painfully away at the soft tissue inside. If somehow it would survive the explosion, it shouldn't take long for the necrosis to work to every vital organ inside its body. Nergal would not be immune to the explosive impact as well, his armor would only be able to do so much as it would likely get blown off and his own flesh would be ripped open as well. His arms would show that his armor there would have almost entirely been shattered and flown off with chunks of flesh missing from the blast exposing his own bones on his forearms and hands. His chest armor would have large cracks from where the bomb had cracked it and sent a piece somewhere, some of the flesh gone from his own chest with his sternum and a few ribs showing. The force of the blast combined with the damage to the pater there would be no way the creature could hold onto him, sending him flying backwards to the ground. The system built into his armor kicks in and begins to forcefully inject the putricide into his blood pushing it out and replacing it. What can only be described as green goop seeps out from his wounds everywhere on his body, the putricide is thicker as it clumps at the openings. His helmet was completely destroyed in the blast, likely split and was blown off somewhere in the hanger. Blast scars over his face with his left eye closed and only the right one open. If the Pater lives through that...things will get very interesting. Runetracker- Body: _____- Weapon: -BDD