Zim pushed his Mech forward with his Armor plates down. They would remain down until he needed them out of the way for combat purposes. Never know when their might be a sniper around... "Thanks for the Map, Elora," Zim said and he considered what Harold said. "I am with you there, Harold. The pillars will allow the cover needed for Serah and I to get close. Our heavy mechs that might have a hard time moving in there should stay towards the outside of the pillars, Elora, we'll need your eyes in the sky to make sure we can see them coming if they decide to flank us in there. They've got the numbers to do it." Of Course Zim had to wonder what kind of soldier referred to the West as 'left' on the map... He didn't wait for a confirmation, being in the open would only leave his melee style Mech for dead. The water would make movements even more difficult... but he had to think for a moment, was Blackstar water proof? He assumed it was, all the same, it would be a shame to find out the hardway. They would move together in that direction, or they would all choose to go their different way. Zim had the experience to move the mech in the direction he wanted at a hustle just fine, so long as the machine decided to cooperate with his intentions... Hopefully it would do just that. He focused on his movements until he reached the Forest of Pillars. There he would start scouting out a place to lay his ambush. Though, he had to assume that they had the same kind of mapping ability. Sitting still would not be a very good choice.