[center][h1][b][color=purple] Zellonian Empire, March 1920 [/color][/b][/h1][/center] [center][img]http://img12.deviantart.net/1a79/i/2011/107/5/5/sci_fi__flag_of_atlantaea_by_leovinas-d3e7y95.png [/img][/center] [center][h2] Zellonia February 1921 [/h2][/center] [Center][h2] Zellonian Industrialism [/h2][/center] Today was a great day for the Empire, their first armored industry company opened today on February 12th. It was named after the current King’s father Jarkinsen Corporation. While new productions wouldn’t be released for awhile. They would help in redesigning old guns in the future once everything was operational. Though with the current stockpile of soon to be outdated guns. Amongst the new armored industry many new warehouses were being made so as to store the new armored cars as well as the new guns and equipments as the factories continue to produce them. [Center][h2] Zellonian Naval Duties [/h2][/center] While many of the ships needed to get new encoding and decoding devices the first among them that were outfitted were three submarines. They were sent about to guard the coast as a group before the first message arrived. After the second they knew what needed to be done they began heading to where they were ordered. They waited and planned.