[@Undinebutt] [color=lightblue]"Eh, don't mention it. And it's Izuki. Izuki Goemon."[/color] She stood and stretched, sighing a little bit while she rolled her shoulders. The cut on her lip had dried up in the interim, again, and although she was aching, she was still raring to go. But where? Everyone was frozen. Then, she heard more voices from further up the train. Since she was nearer the back, she couldn't see [b]who[/b] was speaking, but she knew that somewhere, several someones were also free from this...stupid ass power thing. Izuki hesitantly placed a hand on Mari's shoulder. [color=lightblue]"Y'hear that? Sounds like there's others like us further up the train."[/color] It...wouldn't look all that appropriate, but she couldn't just leave a blind girl to stumble around a potentially dangerous place on her own, right? Right...? With her hand firmly on Mari's shoulder, she helped her stand, letting the blind girl drape her arm over her strong shoulders. [color=lightblue]"Alright, lean on me, okay? We're gonna head over to the bunch of asses I hear talking in the distance. If we're not alone in this, then god damn if those fuckheads leave us alone here."[/color] Izuki helped Mari and together they made their way towards the bigger group. She saw the bunch of them, two guys and three girls, and made a loud whistle to attract their attention. [color=lightblue]"Hey! Dipshits! Room for two more in your little snuggle pile?"[/color]