Alright! A good little batch this seems, I will begin writing and editing the start of the official page. I intend to recruit for the entirety of this game, to keep it living and breathing, but don't worry I have a plan for how I wish the story to play out. Meanwhile, you folks can post your character sheets here. I wish for them to be laid out like this: Name:(Lowborn characters do not require a last name, and if highborn you do not need to be from one of the main houses, although Knightly houses are certainly less prestigious.) Gender: (Everyone should have at least one male character-seeing as they are the only ones actually allowed to be apart of the order-, at the start that is.) Age: (Anyone and everyone can join the Watch! At any age, although, I would bar children under Thirteen.) Background: (Your reasoning for joining the watch, whether you were a thief or it was voluntary, this part should be thought on for it will characterize how the NPCs will treat you.) Weapon of Choice: (An important part about being a Brother is knowing how to fight. This can be your future weapon or present.) Biography. (Anything else that you wish to add. Quirks, facial features, scars, etc. Anything that makes your character distinct and unique should be added, I don't exactly need to know that they have two feet, but if they have none, well that's certainly something to add.) I would recommend, although it isn't necessary, that a picture to accompany the sheet will allow other players to recognize your posts. It's a small detail, but I do truly think it helps. An appendix for your 'crucial' posts could also be added, and anything that you think I missed in your character sheet is of course welcome. If anyone has a suggestion on the game, please bring it up now. This is a game of exploration, so some things will be hidden at the start, and maybe some new secrets may be uncovered as well. You are working together with your brothers, so it is important not to be overtly hostile without reason(there are plenty of reasons, mind you.) I will be periodically releasing my own NPC character-sheets before the start of the game, which I expect will be within the week.