Juro Saw and felt the kid blow past him as he struggled to hold onto the box of dozen dounuts from the 24 hour place he just came from. He wasn't looking for trouble, but he was looking to see if this kid left anyone else behind him in danger. That is when he saw instead of heard the half-dozen on motorycles chasing the kid. Six-to-one, seems like the odds for a lynch-mob. Juro was technically on patrol to police the mutant presence in central park when all this was hitting the fan. He only had a few seconds to act, but it was amazing what you can do with helping hands. Two of himself took a spool of 1000 Lbs line and ran across two trees to brace for impact with their whole bodies into it instead of just their hands. Any that tried to run the wire would get seriously screwed up sliding under or getting clotheslined, those that tried to go around the utterly obvious trap would find themselves being fed down either side to divide their forces where two more of himselves were waiting on either side knelt and taking aim to floor them with rubber rounds for the first two rounds as warning shots to try and knock them off their vehicles. Lastly was one of himself who kept after the kid, he might be a thief getting justice, he needed all the facts he could get as his seventh self drew and fired a bouncy bullet at the board itself of the jet-setter.