After spending time with the more introverted and quiet boy standing right behind her, the incredibly tall and lanky man that had greeted them was positively garrulous in comparison. Nao had definitely not been expecting such an incredible amount of exposition to escape from those smirking lips, and hesitated for the barest fraction of a second to allow her mind to process everything that had been said. It appeared that ... their names were ... Nira, Yuumei and Taro respectively? She glanced over each and every one of them, doing her best to imprint their appearances together with their names into her mind. They were, alongside the boy whose name she had forgotten to ask earlier- "[color=DarkGray]... Akito Fujisawa[/color]" -Fujisawa. Now there was finally a name to associate with the silver hair. She promised herself that she would endeavour to remember the name for future reference. Although they were essentially strangers to her at the moment, the revelation of their shared experiences in having accessed the strange time distortions would likely bind one another together. The chances of further contact was high, in that case. "[color=a36209]My name is Nao,[/color]" she said, answering the question immediately after her companion did. "[color=a36209]Nao Miyoshi.[/color]" With the introductions had been successfully resolved, her mind moved onto other matters. Specifically, the matters that decided their next course of action. Nao understood where the desire to examine the engine room came from; it was essentially the heart of a train, and attempts at sabotage would likely have been performed there. Its furthermost experience from their current train carriage would also provide them more time to search for any others like them. However, what exactly was the point of heading there? Could this Taro actually drive a train? What could they do with a train? Before she could formulate a response, however, two more girls barged in. Nao had misjudged the amount of people who could resist the effects of the timestop. Evidently, it appeared that a large number of them had been present on the train. Was it a coincidence? She had thought such qualities to be rare, but here she was, injured, with an assembled group of people immune to being frozen. "[color=a36209]A snuggle pile?[/color]" The words escaped her before she could even think them through. She had never heard the term utilised in such a context before.