[center][h2]Xena Rock Field[/h2] [sub]The Ambush Point[/sub][/center] Luke turned to Karida as she stepped out of the totaled ATV. A chill crept down his spine at the sight of another obedient mage with a CMAS leash clasped tightly around her neck. It was peculiar to see Luke so upset, but as soon as Karida spoke, his worried glance disappeared. Luke's muscles remained tensed, but he spoke with the same arrogant tone from earlier. [color=a2d39c]"We're [i]com-man-deer-ing[/i] your truck, little lady! Fancy that, despite being at a very real disadvantage, yeh still got the nerve to demand [i]anything at all[/i], haha!"[/color] Luke sneered and shook his head, keeping on eye on Onweer and Cecil. [color=a2d39c]"Got a problem, take it up with the [i]rocks.[/i] You'll have plenty of time to discuss your situation with 'em on your way out of Xena."[/color]