[b][i]"I BRING DEATH!"[/B][/i] Those were the Azure Knight's greeting to a group of men, huddled over a table. They were dressed in common clothes, but their skin still had the dirt and grime that identified them as the poor. Before they could even get out of their seats the Azure Knight had already charged in, impaling one man on the Azure Light. [b]"MAY THE GODS GIVE MERCY TO YOUR [I]WRETCHED[/I] SOUL!"[/B] She tore her sword out of the dead man and slashed at another, who barely managed to escape via falling out of his chair. The other three scattered, but only two left the room. The Azure Knight reached for one of the plates on the table and threw it at one of the fleeing men, nailing him in the leg that caused him to stumble. Before he could stand, the Azure Knight was already upon him, and skewered him before he could even cry for help. By now the entire building was alerted of the Azure Knight's presence. They began to arm themselves with what they could, but those who chose to face her could not get past her Aether Armor, if they could even land a single glancing blow on her. [b]"Both thorn and thistles it should bring forth, for us."[/b] A group of three large men arrived to face in in a narrow corridor. If two of them could get a grip on her, she'd have to struggle to free herself from them, during which one of them might already have stabbed her in the eyes. She'd rather not let that happen. [b]"For out of the ground we were taken for the dust we are, and to the dust we shall return."[/b] The Azure Knight readied her sword and charged at the trio in silence. The three back pedaled, trying to avoid her, but she was far faster than they could flee from. She used a low sweep of her blade, cutting just above the ankles of the tree men, This caused all three of them to stumble at the sudden agony of their feet, which allowed the Azure Knight to dispose of them individually. She kicked one away, smashed the pommel of the Azure Light into the skull of another, and after bringing her weapon to the ready, decapitated another with a strong, downward slash. The third man began whimpering, of which the Azure Knight quickly silenced with a kick to the face, and than a stomp. And another. And another. And another. And Another. And another. And finishing off with a kick to to make sure he was dead. There was still much to do. --- The Azure knight returned to Vekia, her armor and weapon cleaned of most of the gore (Though it didn't quite get rid of the stench), but now with a bag of heads. She was looking for a guard barrack or some sort to turn in her bounty when she noticed an odd sight; a goat being precariously trapped on the side of a desolate building. The Azure Knight dropped her sack of heads and went to help the poor animal, scaling the walls herself to grab onto the creature. It was a bit heavy for it's size, but nothing that the Azure Knight wasn't capable of dealing with. After grabbing the goat she had only a little bit of time before she'd lose her balance herself, so she allowed herself to free one hand to grab a protruding stone. Than she dropped down, barely able to land on another protruding stone no larger than her foot. After that it almost looked like the Azure Knight skipped down to the ground, landing with a thud but unharmed, both her and the goat. [b]"And what beseech you, little one, to astride to the top of this desolate hovel this day? Nonetheless, head home now, and bring no more trouble to three nor thou own."[/b]