McKnight's Shrike jostled him inside the cockpit as he descended towards the planet, the constant shuddering almost drowning out the blare of warning sirens, and his shield and heat gauges flared wildly- almost as if MAS weren't meant to do planetary drops without specialized equipment. MAS grade drop-pods, essentially massive coffins of heat resistant alloy the Lincoln had, but with their mission involving a short skirmish with Coalition forces in space, the 7th didn't have the ability to safely load into drop pods- a process that took roughly 10 full minutes, and hit towards the planet. Instead, they'd be relying on energy shields and a whole lot of luck and grit. As they entered the planet's atmosphere, a small display feed began to pour across McKnight's eyes, and he picked out the key portions of the data. Gravity on the planet was for all intents and purposes the same as that of earth's; 9.5 m/s[sup]2[/sup] as opposed to Earth's 9.8. The planet had less oxygen than normal, but was still livable, only making strenuous activity slightly bothersome. [color=lightblue]"All units, switch OS to Atmospheric Combat Mode"[/color] McKnight called over the comms as the team entered the planet's stratosphere- in case anyone forgot how the procedures to a MAS-drop worked. Usually the equipment inside of the drop-pod notified the pilots and did the adjustment automatically for them, but since they had no equipment, they had to trigger it manually. His displays went dark for a moment before the rebooted, with proper HUD displays necessary for combat within atmosphere, where there was a specific up and down. McKnight also pulled a breathing tube from under his seat and attached it to his helmet. Only he and Williams would likely need the oxygen tubes, as they were the ones where going to performing combat maneuvers while in the air- Gerard and Yuu merely had to get to the ground. Flipping back on the rest of his systems, McKnight breathed out as the whining of sirens and alarms finally died down and his cockpit lost its red glare. The rest of his systems shone green, nothing had been damaged during the descent. There was some good news. With his systems fully initialized, McKnight triggered his tesla boosters, whizzing down past Yuu and Gerard's machines. [color=lightblue]"I don't think they're going to be too happy to see us. C'mon Williams, we need to draw away some fire so the shuttle and the others can land safely."[/color] The facility they were assaulting was rather small, luckily for them, and McKnight could only make out a pair of heavier flak cannons, alongside over a dozen anti-air close-in-weapon-systems. The most dangerous targets by far however were the two SAM launchers installed on the North-east and South-west corners of the base, alongside a small contingent of Ferir Mk II's. Most of the Ferir's however, were still in their hangars, only two had managed to launch to meet the 7th team. [color=lightblue]"I'll take the SAM launchers! Go for the hangar bays!"[/color] McKnight ordered- Williams' plasma cannons would be many degrees more useful against the structures and MAS's than his autocannon would. Gerard and Yuu would be able to pick up more slack when they hit the ground, until then, it was up to McKnight and Williams to take out the most dangerous targets. Boosting fast and hard towards the ground, McKnight waited until his vision caught tinges of red before pulling sharply up, he wanted to get as low to the ground as possible before starting his attack run. It would make him an easier target for the enemy CIWS, but he'd much prefer getting hit by the smaller weapons than potentially taking a missile or exploding flak shell to the face. Holding his unit's alloy shield to his side and couching his arm, McKnight attempted to protect as much of his unit as possible as he jet alongside the wall, beam saber carving across the top of the wall, cutting in half fortifications, weapon emplacements, and soldiers alike. Reaching the corner of the wall, McKnight boosted upwards, his blade rending through the first SAM site with a diagonal sweep. Detonating explosives washed over his energy shields as he boosted away and towards the second SAM sight, only pausing to land in front of one of the flak batteries and spray .50 caliber bullets into the battery and its occupants. With the flak cannon properly riddled and bloody, rendering it useless, McKnight jumped up again and flew towards the second SAM site, dodging exploding flak and weaving through streams of CIWS fire.