Alice was pleasantly surprised to hear voices respond. For her first time breaking through, she was rather excited. ~I can hear you all.~ She paused, counting in her mind quickly. ~Three male and two female voices. Hello!~ Alice wanted nothing more than to make friends with others like herself. She tried to keep a distance from normal folk in order to protect them from the dangers she may bring. Actually she was acutely aware that she could be bringing them now. She tried to weigh the positive and negative outcomes of reaching out in such a way. When she began learning the art of meditation she decided the positives would be worth it but doubt nagged at her. Still she continued on, pressing further and further into the channel trying to reach as many as she could. ~We must be careful, the world's governments are out to get us as you all probably know. I think the best idea to survive is to unite. We don't have to fight back, just work together and find a safe place or make one.~ As soon as she finished 'speaking' she regretted half of what she said. Doubt grasped her, challenging if she can trust these other people and injecting fear into her mind. No, it was better to try to find companions. They would all die for sure otherwise. It's easy to pick off a divided people bit by bit but much harder to conquer a people united. ~I may have found a safe place.~ Alice waited on edge for the others to respond.