[center][img]https://landofgoddesses.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/800px-flag_of_the_japanese_emperor-svg.png[/img] [hr][hr][h1][b]THE IMPERIAL PRESS[/b] [sub]The National News of the Imperial Republic of Fuso[/sub][/h1][h2]February 10th, 1921[/h2][/center] [hr][hr][center][h1][sub][b]VICTORY AT WUWEI![/b][/sub][/h1] [img]http://corregidor.org/fieldnotes/htm/120501/2.jpg[/img] [sub]Victorious Fusan Troops Standing for a Picture[/sub][/CENTER] With great speed and ease, General Tujoki has shown that his skills have not faltered in the slightest nor have the caliber of our troops! According to reports, the general had devised a clever ruse against the army of raiders, looters and scavengers that made up the so called "army" of the Yuxiang Clique! Falling on the disorganized mob, the 1st Infantry Corp fell onto the barbarians with great fury and great courage in a two pronged attack, capturing nearly 25 thousand enemies with their rifles for negligible losses! `"They thought they could surprise us," one soldier said, "but they instead fell for our trap! With the strength of a thousand tigers, we pounced on them so they could learn what happens to fools who poke sleeping tigers!" In an official statement released by the state, the Battle of Wuwei has been called a "resounding success" and a "trophy of military tactical planning". [center][h3][sub][b]Foreign Aid Missions[/b][/sub][/h3][/CENTER] In light of the new outbreak of conflict, the Emperor has called for the buy of foreign war goods to bolster our current stores. While it may sadden some, the truth is that many officials worry that the "current nest egg of supplies may not last the entire winter". It goes without saying that recent military expenditures, and near future expenditures, will likely increase as well over 3 million Fusan Ren (30 million CG) being spent this month alone on: [list][*]20 Boletarian Training Aircraft for 1,220,000 Ren [*]2 Sessauan destroyers with torpedo tube for 600,000 Ren (due in 1922) [*]25 Sessauan Trucks for 300,000 ren [*]20 thousands units of Soroyan Equipment for 1,000,000 Ren[/list] Silencing some critics and skepics, the Emperor has announced that these new shipments will "ease the strain on the national industry" and that "the need for convoys to ship the goods over will add more jobs to shipyards". And under the note of shipyards, the last one have just reported being fully operational once more and will be able to produce additional ships; Jinsoku Naval Arsenal is rumored to be working on more modern ship designs as well! [center][h3][sub][b]The Fuso-Boletarian Expedition[/b][/sub][/h3][/CENTER] New developments from the city of Kahime! Western explorers from the newly formed Republic of Boletaria have met up with the Imperial Guild of Exploration and Archeology for their planned North Faresia expedition. Leading the Imperial Guild of Exploration and Archology is former Terrible War female militia Koire Enuni, having contact the Boletarian Explorer Society and the Cartographers Union some many weeks ago about this trip. "We are hoping to discover something great on this trip," Koire said as she packed gear and rations into wooden crates, "We don't know exactly what we're looking for, probably some new animals or ruin or even people! But I can assure you that we will not be returning empty handed!" Indeed the joint adventure will be traveling to undocumented lands but the people of Fuso wished them all good luck and safe waters!