[center][b]Akira[/b][/center] If Akira had been told that there were other worlds out there a year earlier, she likely would've dismissed the speaker as crazy. After all, there's no way any reasonable person would accept something like that could really exist. Recently, however, she had begun fighting killer robots using a magical trinket from space, so her willingness to accept such things had increased quite substantially. Besides which, the strange variety of...people seemed like the right word for most of them, made it kind of hard to believe she was still home. In any case, Akira couldn't just turn down someone asking for help on this level. As their host left, she took a better look at her surroundings. Someone had suggested people introduce themselves, which seemed reasonable enough, even if the speaker's appearance and mannerisms were a little odd. A small smile worked its way on to her face during the next introduction. At least these people seemed interesting. Next up, a young man accompanied by some kind of toy plane introduced himself as a gang member and asked for people's ages. Not any interests people might have in common? Abilities of note? Akira sighed, not getting why Narancia found [i]that[/i] to be the most important thing to talk about. "I'm Akira. 20." she said, not really making eye contact with anyone, "Nice to meet all of you."