Ah, shame. So the bluff didn’t work after all. She’d have to spank Brian later and teach him a few things about acting if they got out of this alive. Onweer’s hopes had gone up when she saw Cecil fire at the Divers’ leader but they were just as quick to plummet when he didn’t hit. She held her breath, half-expecting Luke to kill his assailant but luckily the men of the waste were no more eager than herself to spill more blood. And while being called “little lady” and “cutie-pants” amused her greatly, she wasn’t sure she liked the prospects of anyone “restraining her”. Not to mention that judging by his stance, he wasn’t about to ask politely. She was tempted, really tempted, to go into a kamae herself and see what the little boy was made of but that would mean revealing her skills and it wasn’t the right moment for that. For now she’d play nice. “Oh, is it just the truck you wanted?” She was wondering just as Karida came out of the vehicle. Onweer wasn’t sure what the woman was capable of but the confidence with which she handled the situation was pleasing her, especially when she saw the way the Divers’ leader had flinched at her appearance. “As far as I’m concerned you can have the piece of junk. We all know boys like their toys but there are more important things out there and getting a proper burial for our fallen comrades is one of them.” She said, looking at Yvette for reassurance. Would the leader agree or was that machine important enough to risk their lives for? Personally, Onweer thought they should rest and regroup and think about how to fight against or at least avoid the Divers. She waited for their leader’s reaction but kept a very close eye on the red-haired man slightly below her. Her body was ready to react to any tremble of his muscle, albeit not the way he imagined she was.