[h3][color=f26522]♥ Ash[/color][/h3] Ash smiled slightly as the girl handed him back his saw. So they had a deal! Finally, things were looking up for Ash. Now he had a different, much less important question on his hands. Wait it out for the guests to arrive, or start the trek back to his mansion. Sure, if he waited out here than it would project openness and portray Nina's rescue as 'something that just happened' but that also left them open for questions they weren't prepared for. Priority one should be getting back into the city at the least. [color=f26522]"Good. Let's go back to my place than. We can-"[/color] He cut himself off as he heard something. Or he thought he did. A squeak of some kind. Was whoever following him already here? It could be a coincidence but... [color=f26522]"Huh. That was weird. Ah well, let's get you back to the city. Follow me; these forests can be confusing for first timers." [/color] He would pretend they didn't exist. Act as if this was totally what they would say to each other even when not under surveillance. Hopefully she caught on. These early first impressions were the most important. The only time more remembered than when you first meet a person is the last. They would need to make it back and hash out more of a plan, but they were going to meet much oppisition. A human on the loose? Followed by THE Ash Hare? What a story. [hr] [h3][color=0072bc]♥ System[/color][/h3] System smiled and nodded as Isa and Dorkle greeted her. Though, her smile quickly turned into a frown as Dorkle told System what had been relayed to him by the Royal Guard member they were both speaking to. Apparently there was a human on the loose. System hadn't heard much about them honestly. They seemed more like myth than fact, but if she remembered correctly they were true... When Dorkle suggested putting up fliers and the such about this event, System nodded solemnly. [color=0072bc]"I may join you in that..."[/color] she added. The rabbit boy who had scolded her for not returning her books sooner a while ago jumped down from up above, giving her a sour looking stare. It seemed he wanted to pitch in on ideas about protecting the people of the Underlake. His ideas weren't horrible, but she felt the idea was obvious. If the guards could be spared, they would be, right? Still, it wasn't a horrible idea. A better one he suggested was educationg everyone on what humans were, what they looked like and how they attacked. The front cover of the book displayed a skeleton like her. Oh yeah, some humans looked like her, didn't they? She hoped this wouldn't spell trouble.