[hr][hr][center][color=0076a3][h2]STEIN KALFOX[/h2][/color] [sub][i][b]“Greed is so destructive. It destroys everything.”[/b][/i] E A R T H A K I T T[/sub][/center] [hr][hr] [center][b]SIMULATION ROOM - NEW ANCHORAGE[/b][/center] The simulation had carried on. Stein Kalfox found herself particularly impressed on the able distraction Elizabeth had brought, though due to a lack of communication wasn’t sure what [i]specific[/i] enemy had caused her partner in the simulation to go dark. It was something she would have to work on if the squadron had any hope of cohesive progress on future missions. If there was anything that simulations were good for it was knowing the weakness of your comrades without the risk of loss of life; something she was glad she did not have to discover in the field. However, the blonde-haired mech pilot was far away being “happy” with the results of the scenario. She had known that Blur had been in [i]trouble[/i] and had tried to cohesive rush through the enemies in front of her to get to support her comrade. But she had been too [i]slow[/i]— it had been [i]her failure[/i]. Even with the fact in consideration that their squad had gone from a decent size to only [i]three[/i] people seemingly overnight, there was no question in Stein’s mind that those factors didn’t matter when she failed her partner. There was no excuses about it; a thought that carried with her up until the simulation ended. [indent][i][h3]ZFFT![/h3][/i][/indent] [color=silver]“I’m pretty impressed, Ms. Kalfox! With only one minute to spare and you took down an opponent who seemed to have all of the advantages.”[/color] Stein’s expression was nothing but displeasure as Dr. James Lofgren spoke her accolades in her upbeat congratulatory tone— accolades she did not seem to hear as Stein removed herself from the simulation equipment and ran her hands across her face. The young woman didn’t feel good about the situation at all and found herself [i]disjointed[/i] and [i]numb[/i]. Despite “finishing” the scenario she didn’t feel comfortable with the way things went in any way or form and kept going through her thoughts of how she could've formulated a better tactic or had been faster to aid in the combat scenario her comrade had found herself in. There had to be [i]something.[/i] [color=0076a3]“I failed.”[/color] She muttered under her breath, [color=0076a3]“I will accept full responsibility for the failure. I will take whatever discipline that command deems worthy.”[/color] It was then that there was a silence between pilot and scientist for a brief moment. Dr. Lofgren did not expect to hear those words out of a pilot’s mouth who technically “won”, but there was something else to it and she felt an unnerving energy as her eyes met Stein’s own. The dulled… almost lifelessness to them took her out of her element for a minute. She felt it difficult to reply to Stein, let alone comprehend one. [color=0076a3]“Am I dismissed?”[/color] [color=silver]“Y-Yes. You can go.”[/color] Stein blinked and nodded, leaving the room. As the doors opened and closed behind Stein, Dr. Lofgren leaned back on the table and let out a loud breath of relief. The tension she felt… what was that? How was she going to mention this in her statistical report to Commander Graham? However she did it, she knew he wouldn’t wait much longer after it became clear the simulation time was over. Moving her attention back to the monitor she bit her lip as she thought about the two female pilots.