[center][h1][b][color=purple] Zellonian Empire, March 1920 [/color][/b][/h1][/center] [center][img]http://img12.deviantart.net/1a79/i/2011/107/5/5/sci_fi__flag_of_atlantaea_by_leovinas-d3e7y95.png [/img][/center] [center][h2] Zellonia February 1921 [/h2][/center] [Center][h2] King Jame’s Estate [/h2][/center] As the aging King sat at his desk, his son Prine Henry walked in. The father looked to son “What is it my sweet prince?” The King said standing up using his cane for balance. “Well, father I was thinking. When you pass that I would bring about a reform and make a constitutional monarchy.” The king gasped and nearly fell. “How dare you even think that, what’s wrong with you don’t - he coughed - don’t you want to be king? Rule the waves where I failed?” King James said walking slowly over to his son. “Father, I do, but the war changed the world so much and I fear if we don’t do it. Then we’ll be forced.” Henry walked to his father helping him along. “Look, you do as you will. When I’m dead I can’t stop you nor can you consult me on issues of importance. If this is truly what you want, then I will wish you luck. But not until I am dead.” The prince nodded and finally got his father to his throne. “Father, if you don’t mind. I will begin drafting a new constitution though for when you are gone.” King James nodded. His son bowed and began walking away.