[b]Kotori Shirohane - Corporate War Zone: Floor 2 | Sunday[/b] With an echoing bang, Rui and Alexei slammed the door shut as Sato and Kotori ran through; the former having arrived just moments ahead of them. As if the loud noise had drowned out everything else or perhaps even deafened them, Kotori only noticed the odd silence after several sharp breaths from the run up to the door. Furthermore, she was worried at first that the shadows might try to break through the door - but not a sound came from the other side or, for that matter, this one. Glancing about did not exactly serve to lift her mood however - instead, she saw that they had gone from a wide open battlefield to a somewhat dimly-lit prison complete with cells all along the walls. Peering inside the cells, Kotori immediately feared that the shadows within might come out and attack them - but instead, they barely even roused themselves from their sullen demeanour as the group slowly started traversing the prison. The uncertainty of what to expect combined with the dreary grey that was all about them left Kotori nervously looking about - the fact that this place was rather sparse on lightning not at all helping her nervousness; to the point that she even started imagining faint sounds. However, when she realised that the others seemed to be looking around confusedly too, it became apparent that those faint noises - children's voices, on closer inspection - weren't just in her head. That, however, was not very reassuring; even if Rui gave to command to continue onwards. Despite the rather creepy atmosphere though, nothing ever seemed to come of it - even as they arrived at a door leading into what looked like a large room. It was difficult to tell though, as there were no lights whatsoever illuminating it; only the barely-sufficient light of the hallways they were still in shone some clarity on the immediate entrace area. Taking a deep breath and stopping her hands from nervously fiddling as she clutched them to her chest, Kotori followed the others into the room - after all, there was no other way forward, no matter how little she liked the look of it. She almost jumped in frightened surprise when the lights flickered to life with a loud clacking sounds - and again when she saw the huge figure standing in the middle of the room. Clad in black-and-white striped prison wear and enormous handcuffs binding it, it was certainly fit its surroundings - but there was no time to think what it might mean as the creature did not take kindly to its surprise visitors and immediately started to charge at the group. Kotori hastily ducked and ran aside as did everyone else - before a thunderous boom echoed throughout the room as the giant collided with the wall; unable to correct its path or come to a stop with the hindrances that were its cuffs. The impact was so great, Kotori could even feel it - though she wasn't certain if it was the sound resonating or the floor had actually shook a little. Either way though, that was not an attack she wanted to get caught in - or anyone else, for that matter. [color=green]"Kikuri-Hime,"[/color] Kotori called even as she ran in the opposite direction of this giant - she didn't want to stay too close to it after seeing its destructive strength after all. Rui called for Ayano to begin her scan whilst Sato used the brief moment the giant needed to recover from its own attack to loose an arrow at it - Kotori however hesitated to attack; first checking to see that everyone else was still in good condition whilst keeping a nervous eye out for any attacks from the enormous shadow prisoner.