[center][h1]Uzushiogakure Occupation, Day 1[/h1][/center] The Genin would all be arriving in Uzushiogakure today; their Jonin leader would soon follow them. To say that Uzushiogakure was in a poor state was an understatement. The town, on it’s skin level – seemed fine. The buildings had mostly been repaired, some bridges were still out but nothing would make someone assume that a battle had just taken place. No, it was underneath the skin that the town was truly suffering. Crime, prostitution and every other sin had decided to call itself home in the land of whirlpools. Bandits robbing the poor and the rich alike, men and women being sold as hostages, slaves or both. The Genin would not only be there as a show of force – but also, as the lawmen of the ruined village. They would be given a task that most considered either foolhardy or plain idiotic. Repairing the order to the village and creating a new order in the names of their villages. While they may have been sent by factions whose best interests do not involve one another, they were there as teams under a barely united banner. In order to restore peace and calm the whirlpool village, they would need to learn unity and the lessons therefore taught to them. Each Genin would be given an envelope; within this envelope was a set of keys, one key lead to their new front door, another to their rooms. Also inside the envelope were instructions to familiarize themselves with the city and at night to report to the town hall in which they would be given instructions on how to further make themselves useful to the village. [center][h2]Kareha Senkai[/h2][/center] Kareha peacefully impaled the doe with her blade. She inserted it from the base of it’s throat until she felt it’s spine. Withdrawing it and quietly saying a few words. She picked the female deer up by all four legs and began to carry it back to her hideout. She hadn’t wanted to call it a hideout originally, but there was a certain unsafe feeling of staying in Uzushiogakure that made her decide to go along with the creation of a hideout. Thusly, she walked towards her hideout, towards her friends. This was generally her routine every day, they sent Kareha out to hunt, she would do so and then Kicho would cook whatever she brought back. The reason Kareha was the hunter was for whatever reason; animals did not seem to feat the swift death she allowed them. It was one of the many unexplained phenomena in Kareha’s life. She remembered that the rest of the Genin would arriving in town and briefly flirted with the idea of going to meet them, however she dismissed the idea after realizing that they would want to see the town by themselves. They’d probably mock her, for her relationship with death and the fact that it followed her everywhere she went. She made a mental note not to bring it up once she had met them, lest they get off on the wrong foot.