[hider=Lena Williams][center][h3][color=ed145b][i]Lena Williams.[/i][/color][/h3][/center] [center][URL=http://s1380.photobucket.com/user/bikkuriyo1/media/Anime/3b8c44a3e97dc2ec7a1e089ceaed4a80_zpstnlr2m81.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1380.photobucket.com/albums/ah197/bikkuriyo1/Anime/3b8c44a3e97dc2ec7a1e089ceaed4a80_zpstnlr2m81.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] [center][i][color=ed145b]<~> Blonde Hair | Blue Eyes | 5'6" | 130lbs <~>[/color][/i][/center] [color=ed145b][b]Name:[/b][/color] [indent][i]Lena Williams.[/i][/indent] [color=ed145b][b]Gender:[/b][/color] [indent][i]Female.[/i][/indent] [color=ed145b][b]Age:[/b][/color] [indent][i]Seventeen.[/i][/indent] [color=ed145b][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [indent][i]Lena is a well figured seventeen year old girl. Years of athletics has given her a very strong yet feminine physique. She has naturally blonde, wavy hair and piercing blue eyes; a trait she assumes she had gotten from her mother. Lena stands at five feet and six inches, weighing a fit one-hundred and thirty pounds. She often wears rather sporty and boyish clothes outside of school. Though in school she she wears skirts, though they make her feel uncomfortably exposed. Constantly seeming to pull down at the hem of the skirt as if that would make it longer.[/i][/indent] [color=ed145b][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [b]Publicly-[/b] [indent][i]While in public Lena seems very confident and invincible. She always has a brave face no matter the situation. Seeming to be unphased by anything in her way. Despite her somewhat intimidating demeanor she is still a kind person, helping those who she can.[/i][/indent] [b]In secret-[/b] [indent][i]Secretly Lena is a girly-girl at heart, despite her wardrobe choices. She loves cute things and sweets. She loves being pampered and taken care of, though she would never be caught showing that side of herself. At home, hidden in her closet, she has a whole trove of cute stuffed animals she sleeps with nightly. For any reason she can't sleep with them she has something very close to an anxiety attack.[/i][/indent] [color=ed145b][b]Likes:[/b][/color] [i][list][*]Boxing. [*]Running. [*]Ice cream. [*]Rain. [*]Stuffed animals. [*]Small animals. [*]Reese's Peanut butter cups. [*]Swimming.[/list][/i] [color=ed145b][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] [i][list][*]Hot days. [*]Sitting around doing nothing. [*]Spicy food. [*]Not being able to love on a small animal out in public. [*]Watermelons. She almost choked on a seed when she was younger. She hasn't trusted them since.[/list][/i] [color=ed145b][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] [indent][i]Secretly Lesbian.[/i][/indent] [color=ed145b][b]bio:[/b][/color] [indent][i]Lena is the daughter of a famous boxer in America. They had moved all over with her father as he taught boxing around the world, landing them here and her having gone to this school ever since first year. This being the longest stint that have had in any one place. Lena never really knew her mother, she having left them when Lena was still very young. She has asked her father several times about her mother, but he only ever gave generic answers before excusing himself. Being the daughter of a famous boxer she grew up boxing. It's a running joke that Lena knew how to throw a punch before she was out of diapers. Boxing was pretty much the only thing she knew growing up, she didn't mind it though. It kept her father and her close through her upbringing. So when she entered the school and found they had a boxing club she immediately signed up. At her second year she had already became Captain of the boxing club. This year being her second year as Captain. She likes being a leader, helping her fellow club members get stronger. It was always something she found pride in.[/i][/indent] [color=ed145b][b]Extra:[/b][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAzH-YAlFYc[/youtube][/hider] [hider=Father] [center][i][h3][color=aba000]S. Donald "Donnie" Williams[/color][/h3][/i] [URL=http://s1380.photobucket.com/user/bikkuriyo1/media/Anime/Hijikata-Toshirou-anime-guys-23377142-1200-845-1-315111755_zpszdf9kcjt.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1380.photobucket.com/albums/ah197/bikkuriyo1/Anime/Hijikata-Toshirou-anime-guys-23377142-1200-845-1-315111755_zpszdf9kcjt.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] [b][color=aba000]Name:[/color][/b] [indent][i]Solomon Donald Williams. Goes by "Donnie".[/i][/indent] [b][color=aba000]Age:[/color][/b] [indent][i]Thirty-Seven.[/i][/indent] [b][color=aba000]Personality Type:[/color][/b] [indent][i]Lazy / joker / No-Filter / Goof ball.[/i][/indent] [b][color=aba000]Career Highlights:[/color][/b] [indent][i]-He began his career in 1998 by defeating a few heavy hitters in the Boxing world. He was a rather scrawny guy in comparison so it was often joked that they simply got caught off guard or it was a fluke. -Donnie quickly grew in fame as his frequent wins began to prove his credibility as a boxer. Finding himself more notoriety as "Dynamite Donnie". -Donnie was actually supposed to enter the 2008 Olympics as a representative for the United States in the boxing category. Due to an injury of his right knee. inflicted during training, he wasn't able to attend. -The following year Donnie came back to the Boxing scene with a vengeance. Going on to win the title in his weight division. But the fight had left his right knee completely busted and unable to compete any longer. -Going on from the competitive field Donnie began to travel the world, with his daughter Lena, and teach boxing. -Donnie was best known, in the ring, for his devastatingly fast strikes and fluid maneuvering. Able to avoid most blows since he was at the bottom end of his weight class and couldn't take many direct blows.[/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Relationship Sheet] [center][h1][color=ed145b][i]Lena Williams[/i][/color][/h1][/center] [color=ed1c24][b]Mackien Ackerson[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=fff79a]Acquaintance[/color] [i]"For the first part of seeing him I generally had little to say. Though having heard some of the rumors I had begun to believe them for a short amount of time. That was quickly squashed when I had somehow accidentally saw him interacting with his little sisters. I actually think he's a very sweet guy, if maybe a bit misunderstood. AND OH MY GOSH HIS LITTLE SISTERS ARE SO STINKIN' CUTE!! I JUST WANNA PINCH THEIR CUTE LITTLE CHEEKS AND SNUGGLE THEM!! I mean what...? o[color=ed1c24]///[/color]o"[/i] [color=6ecff6][b]Beryll Cantrell[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=fff79a]Acquaintance[/color] [i]"Okay, honestly. For the first couple weeks of our freshmen year I was almost positive he was a girl. Don't tell anyone but I kinda thought he was really cute, well I still do just in a different way. When I found out He was in fact not a girl I was a little disappointed. But he's still really pretty and I hope to get to know him eventually! He just always seems to avoid me."[/i] [color=purple][b]Darian Green[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=fff79a]Acquaintance[/color] [i]"Honestly, at times I found it hard to not dislike this girl. But some reason I think her tough act is just that, an act. I know what it's like to put on a brave face so people don't see your scars. I don't know, my feelings towards her are yet to be determined."[/i] [color=cyan][b]Alex Hill[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=fff79a]Acquaintance[/color] [i]"I don't really know. Him and I haven't really ever interacted. Even when he is with friends he still seems rather to himself. So I don't really have a bias towards him, yet."[/i] [color=Burlywood][b]Matthew Stephens [/b][/color] Relationship: [color=fff79a]Acquaintance[/color] [i]"Okay, so I REALLY need to become friends with this guy. The one thing she knows without a doubt is that he is one of the smartest guys at school. And I just so happen to be failing Math. Hard. I need him to tutor me or something!"[/i] [color=3CB371][b]Genevieve Hazel Young[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=bc8dbf]Love Interest[/color] / [color=f7976a]Enemy[/color] [i]"Oh my gosh! She is like the cutest girl EVER! Every time I see her I have a panic attack thinking I'm gonna freak out and just nuzzle her! Like it's dangerous! I can't be around her! I will lose all credibility as a tough girl if I hang around her!"[/i] [color=0072bc][b]Melanie Timere[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=fff79a]Acquaintance[/color] [i]"So I have definitely heard the rumors of this girl being an 'Ice Queen.' But I don't really by it. When I look at her I see something else behind that face she puts up around people. I think there's something more there I just can't put my finger on it. Plus she is really smart too and Math.... God I need help..."[/i] [/hider]