A large hand grabbed the young red head by the back of her collar, lifting her with ease before tossing her into the grass, a few meters away. A tall [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/de/bd/7b/debd7b31eda4879b3d3cb60b2d5f0a68.jpg]orc[/url], covered in bear and wolf leathers stood before the Anuirean. [color=c4df9b]"Another young one, hm?"[/color] He growled in a low tone, a scowl on his face. [color=c4df9b]"Then I assume you are not aware of the rules we have about hunting during this time."[/color] He continued, his intimidating presence barring down on her. His expression looked as though he was about to pull out the two tomahawks from his belt and just conduct an execution right then and there. However his gaze averted slightly from the young girl toward the trees. [color=f9ad81]"Oh come now Gorrak. She is only a hatchling."[/color] Another voice spoke up from behind Aelia. A woman's voice, speaking in a very calm, charming voice. The [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/bc/87/24/bc87247108d1e922240d166e32159581.jpg]woman[/url] knelt down behind the red head, wrapping her arms around the young girl's shoulders in an embrace, her face close to Aelia's. [color=f9ad81]"Don't let the big old man scare you~ He's just a big meanie~"[/color] She said in an amused tone. [color=c4df9b]"Gods be damned Talia! Don't coddle such children. They must be disciplined!"[/color] He bellowed, the birds flying out of the canopy due to the volume. [color=f9ad81]"Now now, there is not need for that."[/color] Talia responded as she got to her feet. She strode over to the dead Gazelle and stretched out her arm so that her hand was directly above the corpse. A small green glow exuded from her hand. For a moment, Aelia would see a small bead of light collide with the body of the Gazelle. Slowly the once dead animal got to it's feet as though nothing happened. With calm, deft hands, the brunette pulled the arrow out of the Gazelle's head, before immediately placing her other hand over the open wound. The animal squirmed, but Talia's held it's head firmly, yet with a gentle touch, making a hushing noise. Another soft glow emitted from Talia's hand, and soon the wound was healed as though the arrow had never struck it. She slowly let go of the Gazelle, allowing it to bound away. The woman slumped to the ground, exhausted, beads of sweat running down her face. [color=c4df9b]"Talia, you mustn't do such things in plain sight."[/color] The orc warned, only to receive a tired and dismissive wave from his female companion. The Orc's gaze hadn't really moved away from the young huntress, but he move away slightly, straightening himself, however his presence was still quite overbearing. [color=c4df9b]"What is your name, child?"[/color] He inquired, still retaining his low, rumbling voice.