Sophia Rose, the wandering mage, wandering into the city of Ylisstol. This was her first time in the capital of Ylisse. The tales of her childhood and what she heard of it in he travels clashed. She had to see it for herself, experience it for herself. When she entered the city, she had instantly amazed how lively the place was. She heard over all the excitement that the Exalt was returning to the city. Sophia smiled and followed the moving crowd. Along the road, the crowd lined up to cheer for the returning soldiers and their Exalt. Sophia found a wooden crate near the back of the crowd to stand on so she could see. As she watched the soldiers, she felt a tug on the edge of her half skirt. Sophia looked down at a little boy who wanted to see. Sophia helped the boy onto the crate and then lifted the little boy in her arms so he could see. The boy cheered and pointed as the soldiers. The boy was so excited to see them all, but Sophia was disappointed. She did not see the Exalt among the soldiers. Once the Soldiers passed, Sophia let the little boy down and got off the crate. As Sophia helped the little boy off the crate, a woman ran up to them. It had to be the boy's mother. Sophia chuckled at how panicked she looked, "My apologies, madam, he just wanted to see the soldiers. He sure thinks his father was a lot of them. Was his father a soldier?" The mother stood up looking angry but was disarmed when she saw Sophia's smile. She weakly smiled back, "Yes, he was a soldier. Thank you for helping my son. Ylisse could use some more kind souls like you. Gossip has it that with this coming conflict, that the Exalt might recommission the Shepards. They could use someone like you." The mother left with her son. The little boy waved to Sophia and she smiled and waved back. As soon as the boy and mother were out of sight, Sophia dropped her smile. Looking almost sad, she speaks aloud to no one special, "War humm.... Perhaps it would be better to die a hero on the battlefield, than a hopeless wanderer alongside some nameless road..."