i'd like to join as well. i've got a pseudo homebrewed race i've been itching to use. well it's not so much an entire race as it is a unique combination of existing races who have a deepseeded lack of respect for each other. I got the idea from the second hobbit movie. what if that elf lady and that dwarf that fell in love had a child? The outcome I came out with is a creature I loving call a dwelf. They'd be taller than most dwarves but still shorter than any elf. They'd still be braod shouldered and thick skulled, but have lither bodies and thinner beards. On paper they'd received a bonus to con and dex. con for them being hardier than the average elf, and dex for them being nimbler than the average dwarf. anyway, before I get to detailed I better wait and see what y'all think so far.