Magos Ravion Hybris was somewhat intrigued with the recent events occurring around the Warp Skulls. Recently, the entire chapter, or what was basically equivalent to that, had been recalled, and were arriving in droves. This had Ravion busier than ever, rushing about to fix the bolters, chainswords and armor of those returning from combat, and thus had little time to mingle with others on the reasoning for the meeting. This did not stop his natural curiosity from speculating, however, and that coupled with some of the odd damages sustained by the Astartes' power armor suits had him suspecting some of the wildest things, from betrayals in the ranks, to rampant mutations, for wasn't it odd that this suit's left arm had severed at the wrist, or that this suit had jagged tears on the INSIDE of the armor... This carried on for a while, before Ravion realized how it was distracting him from his work, and ceased the thoughts almost immediately, though they still lurked in the deeper corners of his mind. Later, while performing maintenance on the Bastion of Arrogance's scanners, he noted a peculiar oddity. The sensors indicated a ship heading in directly to them from the warp. Quickly checking the ship's computer for any info on who it might be, Ravion came up empty-handed. Sending a notification to the most senior members of the non-Astartes crew, and to the Chapter Master, of an unidentified ship approaching, Ravion went back to work, finishing up on the scanners, and moving on to work on other systems aboard the station, hoping that things didn't get TOO exciting in the coming time.