[@Gisk] [@Unfortunately] [@FateWeaver] [@Wind Wild] [@tex] [center][h2]Xena Rock Field[/h2] [sub]The Ambush Point[/sub][/center] Jenso smiled as Luke seemed to be handling the situation rather well. The flame hammer that he was holding turned into regular fire, which he absorbed through the palms of his hands. He kept his focus on Onweer as he was ordered, prepared to act when needed. As the hatch on the roof of the ATV opened and Karida suddenly appeared, Jenso's fists clenched tighter and his stance shifted slightly. As Karida demanded an explanation, she seemed like she could be the one in charge of the ATV. He narrowed his eyes at her. Now, not only did he need to keep Onweer at bay, but Karida as well. Of course, Jenso was fully aware that there were plenty of Divers nearby to provide assistance. Jenso listened as Luke began to speak once more, specifically directed towards Karida this time. He was slightly concerned about Luke's sudden look of worry, which quickly vanished. As Luke regained his arrogant attitude, Jenso calmed down a bit. [i][color=f26522]'Can't let my guard down now.'[/color][/i] He thought, keeping his attention on Onweer who was closest to him, and Karida who was a bit further behind her. Even if the other Divers were nearby, he was still the closest near the two Junkers. As such, he needed to make sure they couldn't just rush him and take him down. Despite this, however, he appeared relatively calm. His confident smile vanished, and he looked more serious now.