[center][h2][color=92278f]Vanth, Archon of Lightning[/color][/h2][/center] ” Well, no time like the present!” Vanth took a step forward. Well, he attempted to since every inch he gained carried an increasing amount of resistance behind it, until he felt himself sliding backwards. Everyone turned to look at him as he leaned forward into the force as if it were a strong breeze. Should it continue, it appeared that he would be forced right back out the door. Eyes wide, body shocked, and 17’s probing questions floating in Vanth’s head, Vanth- now crouching like an Olympic runner- removed the headset and set it on the ground as gingerly as possible. Then with a final burst of force, he was swept off of his feet, outside of the room, now with the entrance closed off before him. [color=92278f] Well that was short lived! I figured something like this would happen since we kinda crashed the party[/color] Vanth mulled it over. Virgo’s conclusion was logically sound since the voice in 17’s head had only mentioned archons of Sound, Time, and Gravity… But what will that mean for 17 communicating with the other two? [color=92278f]He’s an archon: he has to and will be resourceful enough to manage the tasks ahead with Ian and Haven- don’t ask me how I’ve already memorized their names.[/color] With those words, Vanth cupped his hands around his mouth shouted at the closed doors in hopes that the three inside could hear that he was okay. [hider=] Awwww, you clicked on me <3 [/hider]