Shiro paused a moment, hm, he'd expected his new friend to reciprocate with his own name. Whatever, he could just call him sword guy. After a few more turns they found two girls huddled together. Then his new phone buzzed and Shiro quickly glanced at it, enemy programs?His confusion was somewhat abated when he saw the the weird dog creatures suddenly appear around them. Alright, so they were playing a game of some kind. That was alright, Shiro was pretty good with games. He took a few steps forward and stood next to the two girls, staff held protectively in both hands. [b]"I don't mean to butt in gals, but it looks you've got some unwanted company."[/b] The odds were 7-4, but the four of them looked as though they had better weaponry compared to the dog guys. Of course a club could still smash your skull in, but they would just have to try to avoid that. Shiro considered tactics for a moment. Well the most obvious thing to do was engage them one at a time before they had a chance to use their numbers to greater advantage. To that end Shiro charged the closest one, not the leader looking dude. He hurled his backpack at the thing's stomach, let out a fierce, unintelligible yell, then quickly swung his metal pole in a devastating overhead swing at the dog guy's head. Given that it was successful he would turn around and guard himself from the ones that would doubtless be coming in behind him. If not he would keep swinging as hard as he could, relying on strength and speed more than skill to overwhelm the one in front of him before he could get flanked.