"[color=007236]Strike me, if you dare.[/color]" Three Astartes hurtled forwards, one going left, one straight and the final strafing right. They were dressed in tight fitting, high collared tunics of rough grey hessian, black trousers and cloth shoes. On their chests, the Chapter Emblem stood proud in purple paint. Each Marine was a wonder to behold, imposing slabs of gene-bred muscle and sinew, their arms bare and eyes glinting with concentrated purpose. Charging towards their solitary opponent, every controlled movement gave no clue to their plans and spoke only of many hundreds of hours rehearsal for this moment. To see them charge was to fear, to stand against them was to die. Truly humanity's finest warriors. They failed to land even a single blow. Against them stood a lone warrior, dressed in the same simple training gear. L ike them, he wielded a training sword though he also bore a burnished metal shield in his off hand. As the three Space Marines closed in on him, he barely seemed to shift his stance, as though he already knew their plans. In fact, he was still right up until they struck. As the three blades flashed towards his torso, head and legs respectively, he became a blur of lightning motion. His sword parried one blow, his shield another as he neatly sidestepped the third and kicked out the Astartes in question's legs. As that one fell, his two companions hammered a flurry of blows at the single Marine, giving the fallen one time to regain his feet. For a fraction of a second, each of the fighters stood still and took a breath. With the opening moves out of the way, the dance could begin properly. The fight ranged back and forth across the training circle as the four combatants hacked, slashed, hammered, bludgeoned and stabbed. The three Astartes working in tandem were like a well oiled machine, covering for each other's weaknesses and striking as one. Even by the high standards of the Warp Skulls, their close combat skills were magnificent and had their opponent been almost any other Marine, they would doubtless have triumphed. But Skyrax the Undying, Veteran Captain of the Vanguard Company, never even allowed their blades to mark his body. He wove an intricate web of steel around himself, knocking aside or dodging blows with almost contemptuous ease. When he struck out against the three rallied against him, augmented bones cracked and enhanced blood flowed. When the last of the three who had attacked him mere minutes earlier was sent crashing out of the training circle, he finally stopped his ceaseless movement and tossed aside his weapons. "[color=007236]Well fought, my brothers, though your form could use some work and I thought your attacks were a little flat.[/color]" Skyrax's voice had slightly a sibilant note to it, as though he was forcing the sound from a constricted throat. Around him, chapter serfs scurried to gather up the discarded weapons and return them to their places on the racks lining the walls. The defeated trio had each picked themselves up and now kneeled in front of the Captain, eyes down and swords held in their right hands. The warrior in the middle, who had been the last to fall, spoke up. He had a trimmed beard of silvery brown hair and an aquila tattooed on his forehead. "Your skill humbles us, brother-Captain. We must train much harder if we are ever to breach your defences." "[color=007236]Don't be so glum, [i]Lieutenant[/i] Gamriel[/color]" smiled the Captain, putting a softly patronising emphasis on his subordinate's rank. "[color=007236]You gave a good showing and gave me pause for thought more than once. With a few more months of intensive training, I have no doubt that you will give me a more challenging battle.[/color]" The Captain's mechanical eye clicked and wurred, zooming in on Gamriel's face. If the Lieutenant had taken any offence at Skyrax's dismissive comments, however, he did not show it. "Indeed, my lord. As your seneschal, I feel I must remind you that the council meets in but a few short hours. Shall I send the armourers to your quarters to clad you in your armour?" "[color=007236]Yes, see to it. It is my fondest desire that we will soon be free of the fortress, free to spill the blood of the enemy once again. I only hope that the Chapter Master will allow us to sail the stars for blood, honour and glory once again...[/color]" --- That was several hours ago. Now Skyrax sits, resplendent in his azure Power Armour, at the long table of the Warp Skull captains and listens to Chapter Master Rokurou ask them what path the chapter should take. As the cloaked and hooded Librarian to his right lapses into silence, Skyrax rises and speaks thusly in his clearest tone; "[color=007236]We are the sons of Corax, the chosen warriors of the Emperor. We are loyal. We have always been loyal. We shall continue to be [b]loyal[/b]. The same cannot be said of all Inquisitors nor even of all humans. I advise that we allow this Inquisitor aboard our ship and let them see our loyalty and valour with their own eyes. And if their eyes refuse to see, we should put them out. We do not need the permission of the Inquisition to fight in the God-Emperor's name and we do not serve at their whim. Let them come and let the Warp take them.[/color]" Despite the bellicose, not to say treasonous tone of the speech, Skyrax's voice was calm and low throughout. His mind raced, flicking through memories of his previous dealings with Inquisitors to memories of his own mutation. It took all of his self control not to let his hand drift up to his throat and feel for the scales that were even now hiding under the seals of his armour. He would not let the witch hunting fools stop his good work, they would have no understanding of how vital it was that he continue to serve the Emperor. They would see him as being touched by the foul blemish of chaos, not gifted to better serve the Emperor. No, it was better they never got a chance to judge him, lest they be found wanting in their pronouncement. Lowering himself back into his chair, he mutters again. "[color=007236]Let the Warp take them...[/color]"