After quietly making sure that the injured player would survive, his attention had wavered back to his sustenance. When his food arrived, he had barely taken the time to inspect its quality before he was inhaling it. The taste of the food was remarkable. He followed his large bites with drafts from his tankard of mead, enjoying the somewhat bitter taste of the beer. There was quite a crowd crammed into the Inn, some eating, while others stood idly around chatting. He had just been finishing his food when louder shouts than usual filled the room. A player was trying to skive off paying for his food, and while Travis usually tried to stay on the right side of the law he could understand the struggles of trying to maintain a decent level of gold. The prices of the food were ridiculous, almost four hundred gold for a decent meal. The waitress who had taken his order earlier was screeching about thieves, and Travis took that as his cue to leave. He placed the appropriate coin on the table. The player was apologizing profusely to the jester, who he had seemingly collided with. After making sure that all his belongings were intact, followed the group out the door. For a moment he had thought that he had lost them, until he heard the explosions. Travis was sure that being in a town kept you safe from being killed, but was sure that the rules changed for the rule breakers. The spell had hit a stall, and it was currently smoldering. He barreled down the alleyway where the Chef could still be heard cursing the player from the other side. Once free of the alley. The Chef stood there spouting obscenities over the lost money. Travis pulled up even with him pausing for a moment. “How much did he owe you?” The mercenary asked nonchalantly. There was a second where Travis thought that the Chef would instead attempt to turn his wrath on him. After a moment though he visibly deflated, looking downright depressed. “That’s the third one this week,” He replied, though not necessarily answering the question Travis had even asked. In response Travis opened his inventory, causing gold coins to appear. He pushed them into the Chef’s hand who instantly started sputtering about how it wasn’t Travis’ problem to begin with. Travis shook his head with a slight grin. “Just take the money and leave him be, a lot of the players are having a rough time farming the gold that they need these days.” The tank raised a hand in farewell, before returning to a steady trot down the street. There was a slight grumbling behind him before the Chef finally conceding to return to the tavern. Travis didn’t leave the city as much, and since the launch of the game had tended to prefer to be a solo player. When he reached the wall, he paused. Once he left here, he was fair game for the monsters. Sitting around and making armor could only keep someone busy for so long however. Without a backward glance he left the safe zone. The flowers were beautiful, and sometimes Travis could hardly believe that they weren’t real. His senses begged to differ. After searching around for a moment, he could see the player standing in the middle of a rather large flower field. “Hey you!” He shouted to Sebastian, raising his hands to show that he meant no harm. “I paid off your debt, they shouldn’t be pursuing you anymore.” He voiced with a slight grin. “The names Travis Ironhide, and you are?”