[@Devo] Quickly shuffling away from the older teen and the strange rambling female, Mellio moved over to the panicking blunette. He could almost feel her despair, rolling off of her in waves. Almost instinctively, he enclosed the older girl in a hug, wrapping his arms around her waist, his flowing sleeves nearly completely enshrouding her legs. [color=39b54a]"Being sad isn't good for you"[/color], He gave the teen a wide smile, trying to influence her with his own happiness. [color=39b54a]"My name's Shello- I mean Mellio... I think."[/color] The young boy wasn't actually sure if that was his name or not, but it was what first popped up in his head when he woke up. He pondered why he nearly said "Shellos" instead, but shook the thought away just as quickly. This person in front of him was sad, and sad people means a sad day. [color=39b54a]"What's yours?"[/color]