Footsteps echoed throughout the lower deck as a large, husky man came running towards him with straw-like hair, a soft gruff on his face, and an altogether dirty appearance. He stopped his running when he drew near and went into a walk before stopping completely. "The captain requests your presence at the helm, master Emitt," the husky man said with a blank face. The man stood there awkwardly for a few seconds trying to figure out whether to accompany Eovaine or not, but it seemed that he decided that he would be better off doing something elsewhere as he turned and walked off. Eovaine put down his pen and blew on the pages of his journal to dry the ink on them and closed it as he watched the man walk off. He stood and stretched his sore back for a few seconds and walked up on deck and made his way to the helm where he saw the captain standing next to his helmsman. The captain was a skinnier fellow with brown hair under a tricorne and a blue trench coat. "Good afternoon, captain," he greeted the man with a small smile, moving his white hair from his eyes. "Indeed, master Emitt. The wind is good, the sky is clear, and land draws near at last." "How long until we reach Vekia?" "Not long at all. The seagulls are singing above us; perhaps another half hour or hour at most." "Very well, I'll get my things ready." "No need, my men are already attending to that." "No disrespect, captain, but I'd like to keep an eye on them in any case." "Alright, suit yourself," Eoviane heard the captain say as he walked down from the helm and got below the deck. It wasn't long until he found the men gathering his things and putting them into chests. Whatever wasn't already in a chest, anyway. By the time they finished, Eovaine felt the ship slow and eventually come to a stop. He payed the men extra coin to gather his belongings into the Anverstark Inn. "Tell the bar keep it's from me, he should show you the room to leave my things in," he told them and walked back on deck and looked upon Vekia's harbour. He hadn't been to the place in several years, and to be back brought a sort of excitement to him. "Thank you for the ride," he said to the captain and got off the ship and began wondering the city, remembering the streets and various shops and buildings as he did so. After a while of walking he found himself in the midst of the marketplace and decided he could do with a bit of shopping and began browsing until he came upon a hooded figure sitting behind a rug. Curious, he crouched and cocked his head to try and get a better view behind the hood. "How much for the gold trinket?" He asked.