[@Iatos] [@ianzerep] [@Devo] Elvina didn't get it, but she felt a little settled next to another that seemed to be the same species as her and she just laughed a bit when he started to say his species in his sentences as he spoke. " guess the e's always in up in eevee at the beginning of your words, I guess everybody is terrified and confused what happened to them so I shouldn't be a spoiled eevee pup anymore since we are stuck like this now until someone figures out what going on with us plus these strange things on our bodies that nobody knows what they are for. I wonder what this dim light coming from these stones and I know they aren't Megastones since some of us can't get to that kind level, but my mind is very fuzzy I can't remember the past and what did during those times. I really hope everything will be alright for the both of us and everybody around us as well stranger. I have no clue who you are even though we are the same species of Pokemon." she said then smiled at him then backed away and bowed her head. " thank you for trying to cheer me up I feel better I just need to figure out how can deal with my unnatural transportation now and I need to figure out what kind medical drinks I can make for us if any of us get severely injured if something happens throughout this weird world we are living in now." she said as her tail wagged. She sighed her mind was still total fogged and shattered from the time she was an Eevee, so she had no clue about her past and she knew for sure that she never met this eevee never in her life so she knew they aren't any kind of blood relatives or siblings. She had no clue about anything in her life she just had to go with what he said and she knew that staying in numbers is the best in this strange world in their strange looking bodies that she will have to get use to since she was totally stuck with it no matter what.