[@Devo] Mellio tilted his head in confusion as the girl, who had named herself as Frida, gestured to herself as if there was something wrong with her. [color=0072bc]"Uh, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Mellio!"[/color] Frida replied with a nod. Mellio shook his head in amusement, letting the girl go and giggling at the title she gave him, though he was happy that the blunette didn't seem so sad anymore. [color=39b54a]"Silly, I'm not a Mister! I'm a boy!"[/color] He explained with a grin, he stood next to the brunette to show that he barely reached her shoulders, gesturing to the girl's obvious height advantage. He walked over to her front, and started to circle around Frida, looking over all of her features to find what was so strange about her, and finding nothing unusual to his undeveloped mind. [color=39b54a]"I dont see anything wrong with you, except maybe this strange stone on you!"[/color], Mellio pointed out the gem on the girl's attire, which began to glow. At the same moment, Mellio noticed a bright light coming from the top of his head. Taking off his headband, he saw the opal sown into it, and showed it off to Frida. [color=39b54a]"Look, I have one too!"[/color] He exclaimed happily, "oo"ing and "aah"ing over the multi-colored light shining from the gem.