[@Lunarlors34] His eyes catching something from the corner of his periphery, Mellio watches a black-haired teen with a thin tail jump from the rooftop. Automatically, he was star struck. That was so cool, and really dangerous! He didn't hear a thing the teen said afterwards except the tail end of it. [color=ed1c24]"-know what's going on then? Don't bother asking me, I haven't the foggiest"[/color]. Walking up to the teen, and away from a stunned Frida, Mellio chose to show how amazed he was by the epic maneuver. [color=39b54a]"That was so cool!"[/color] Mellio said aloud, nearly shouting at the teen with sheer enthusiasm. [color=39b54a]"Could you teach me how to do that without hurting anything?"[/color] his eyes started to sparkle, beaming at who the 13-year old thought was the coolest guy around.