Because why the hell not? It has been years since The Allied Citadel species had defeated the Reapers, destroying the entirety of the Mass Relay network and ending the cycle forever. It was hard, rebuilding the relays, but it was made a little easier with the help of their new guardians. Under the control of Shepard, the Reapers now watch over the galaxy, keeping a watchful vigil over the unknown void beyond the galaxy's outer rim. What waits for them beyond the stars, however, may be more than they bargained for... [] In a galaxy not so far away... The Hissho have been growing restless these past few millennia. With the success of their conquest of their galaxy, and the enslavement of all aliens within their empire, they once again have turned to the stars to quench their thirst for blood. And the galaxy they have turned to? Why, it is none other than the Milky Way. With the development of extremely powerful warp drives, and a better understanding of Dust, surely it can't be that hard to conquer a new galaxy? And why shouldn't they? There is blood to be spilled, and war to wage. And so the predator stalks it's prey, ready to strike them down... [img=]