[h1][center][color=ed1c24]Pyro[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/59/64/79/596479b71d0d5e9a7feb3872cad4189e.jpg[/img][/center] [@Eagenitheflamingkprince][@ianzerep][@Iatos][@Devo] Turning to the younger gijinka Pyro smiled slightly. "[color=ed1c24]Cool? All I did was get off the roof..[/color]" Pyro responded as his [i]modesty[/i] was showing. He didn't like getting attention for things he did if he thinks that they didn't deserve them...However those adoring eyes staring up at him were too much to destroy the kids hopes too much. "[color=ed1c24]It's rather simple really, cushion your landing by land carefully on your knees. I'll teach you later, although it's not really that special kid.[/color]" Pyro responded with a small smile, ruffling the little ones hair. He turned up when Twix spoke to him and shrugged. "[color=ed1c24]I know we're in a place known as 'Pallet Town' and there are pokemon everywhere. I learned that much by looking around, but nothing groundbreaking sorry.[/color]" Pyro responded, a little flustered now that he realised he had gained everyone's attention. He watched as Twix yelled out a warning about the Grimers and Muk before grabbing the silver-furred eevee beside of him and fleeing. Pyro followed his finger and raised an eyebrow. "[color=ed1c24]Why hello, did I disturb your sleep? Sorry about that.[/color]" Pyro responded as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly "[color=ed1c24]However, if you want to threaten me I'm more than happy to fight.[/color]" Pyro added with a small grin as small flames began to appear in his mouth.