Colleen fixed Lance with her gentle, yet analyzing stare. He'd nearly used his real name, she realized almost instantly. She clasped her hands together in front of her, listening politely as he fumbled with his words. If her ears could move, they would've perked up. Work together? It seemed logical enough. Colleen had been too shy to offer actual teamwork to the few people she'd healed so far, but he seemed like a promising and pleasant companion. She saw his last remark about her abilities coming from a mile away. "No, I don't really have any powerful offensive capabilities. Keep in mind that, like you, my skills are at their most basic. I have a basic attack, heal, and defense. So no, I'm not the most helpful battle buddy. I can patch you and your clothing up, but don't expect me to be taking on swarms of spiders and wolf packs alone," she responded bluntly and quietly as ever. Did she have a loud setting? Probably not. Lance seemed nice enough. Colleen didn't want to leave town alone, Why not? Perhaps they could find more people to band together with. There was strength in numbers, and even more strength if each person had a different skill. Shy as Colleen could be, she was not stupid. She knew that for her to survive, she'd need friends. Hopefully, her healing capabilities would make her more friends. [i]Perhaps powerful friends...[/i] she thought for a moment before wiping that thought away. Everyone started out weak. She was no different.