The van screamed to a halt, nearly tipping in the process. As the girls poured out of the van, Lyn shot a annoyed glance up at the rear view mirror. Aria returned it with a smirk. With a chucking sigh, The Thinker raced from the van, rounding its panels to view the battlefield. [color=a187be][i]Lets see... Twenty two? Oops, twenty one now. This isn't as heavy of a convoy as I expected. I wonder where the rest of the guards are? Probably couldn't a lot a big patrol this far out in the city with the recent patrol step ups. Even with such a simple set up, we still need to clean this up fast.[/i][/color] Lyn reached up to her digitizer mask and pressed one of the soft keys on the mask before darting into the battlefield. While Lyn wasn't exceptionally fast, she did move with a quick pace and an astonishing grace, like every move had been planned five steps ahead. Her hand reached into the back of her skirt brim, withdrawing her MSS VUL and stiletto knife as she approached the first group of enemies in cover. [color=a2d39c][i]♪How lucky can one guy be...[/i][/color] Lyn slid over the barrier, [color=a2d39c][i]I kissed her an she kissed me,[/i][/color] she remained unnoticed, [i][color=a2d39c]Like that fella once said, aint that a-[/color][/i] stiletto to the neck. [color=a2d39c][i]The room was completely black...[/i][/color] the guard fell lifeless to the ground, [color=a2d39c][i]I hugged her and she hugged back,[/i][/color] the two adjacent guards heard the commotion and began to turn, [color=a2d39c][i]Like the sailor said, quote,[/i][/color] two silent shots placed between the eyes, [b][color=0072bc]"Aint that a hole in the boat♪"[/color][/b] The melody continued to ring through Lyn's ears as the encampment of guards she had tangoed with left the dance floor. The door to the back of the transport container was in sight. Lyn dashed along, silently, across the battlefield to the door, and began to work on the keypad as the dwindling guards focused on staying alive amongst the chaos. The Thinker hooked up her mobile-decryption device and began to work away at the keypad. [i][color=a187be]Five... Four... Three... Two...[/color][/i] Lyn grinned. [b][color=0072bc]"♪Aint that a hole in the-"[/color][/b] The door on the transport vehicle sheered open with enormous force, bending the door slightly to the side and striking Lyn, sending her hurdling feet away from transport, rolling to a stop on the ground. Coughing as dust filled her lungs, her eyes turned to the sky just in time to see the hulking Seeker's red, beady eyes staring down at her. Before Lyn could move, the beast was on top of her. As it reached down, She fired several rounds from her VUL into it's chest, each ricocheting off like a piece of paper. The hulking machine took hold of her neck, lifting her high into the air, well over the heads of the girls and men still fighting across the battlefield. [color=fff79a]"LYN!"[/color] Aria shouted as the beast lifted her harder, it's mawing grip constricting tighter and tighter. Her vision blurred, her vocalizer sparked as it was crushed against her neck, her vision grew dark as her eyes grew bloodshot, her entire body flailing and kicking to no avail. Desperately, Lyn's hand rushed toward the small of her back, retrieving her stiletto knife. She trust the knife wildly at the creatures neck with every last ounce of energy in her. As she was certain her life was coming to a close, she made contact between the creatures armor plates on its neck. The seeker released Lyn, rearing back as purple fluid sprayed from it's neck. Lyn lied motionless on the ground, blood pouring from her mouth, eyes and nose. Aria charged forth. [color=fff79a]"LIGHT THAT FUCKER UP!'[/color]