Kicho Hashiba [color=a187be]"HAAYA!" [/color] A final kick landed against the training post, accidentally sending its giver sprawling backwards, leaving her panting against the ground. Ofuda scattered around the area. Struggling the girl pushed herself to get back up. [color=a187be]"D-don't give up now Kicho, I can't fall behind Kareha and Keikoku... even more. I don't want to drag them down."[/color] Pushing herself, she started another assault on the training post, before stumbling forward, grabbing it for support. [color=a187be]"Aw...Come on... one more... one more...and I can start cleaning up the hideout."[/color] A shadow caught her eye, and Kicho nearly jumped out of her skin. [color=a187be]"Kareha? Oh crap!"[/color] Kicho hurried to grab the Ofuda off the ground, her body still complaining as it moved. [color=a187be]"Sorry Kareha, I lost track of time! I'll get the kitchen ready, sorry!"[/color] She was still dirty and sore, but she moved towards the hideout anyways before Kareha could comment, rushing to get things in order. She could curse at herself for failing to get things ready for her teammates. Calling out the window, Kicho continued readying the kitchen. [color=a187be]"We're finally getting more genin in town. That should make it easier for us. Wonder if they'll make fun of us for not having a sensei? Either way, its easier to fit in with more people. I'm going to meet them tonight. I wonder what the Leaf ninja will be like."[/color] Kicho fiddled with her Leaf headband as she said that.