The tall broad-shouldered Darfellan glanced up from the scrolled charter with an eyebrow lifting on his black and white face. In the space of a few mere moments the somewhat shabby-looking human youth standing before him had managed to spew out more words than he himself had uttered all morning. There was a large crowd gathered on the docks, and more than one set of eyes was curiously watching Par try to barter passage on the magnificent vessel. Attention in Azure Strand was not a good thing. The gatekeeper Par had spoken to some hours ago, upon noticing that Par had called the city 'Azure Watch', had grown suspicious. And now Par was being followed. [b][color=7ea7d8]"E'en if ye 'ad the money we're not taking on just any passengers, little fish. This'n 'ere's a trading vessel..."[/color][/b] His tone was stern and he was shaking his head, the ponytail wagging at the back of his skull. But Par's desperate prattling kept the frowning Darfallen from further elaborating on why the young human should move along. He was in no way moved by Par's sad story. Not because he didn't believe it, he did, but everyone in Azure Strand had a sad story, expecially these days. Upon over-hearing Par's desperate pleas to be allowed on-board, a young Aenshi stepped out of the crowd. The fox-faced man was tall and thin and wore a pair of grubby pants and a vest with no shirt. [color=8dc73f][b]"If you're interested in selling your horse I can buy him from you for thirty gold pieces." [/b][/color]He didn't seem desperate, but did seem hurried, as though hoping Par would readily sell the animal for less than half of what it was worth. Sighing, mighty Darshane found that he was pursuaded to help Par in spite of himself. [b][color=7ea7d8]"Loo' kid, I'll let you sign on as a passenger with the rest 'o the merchants. You'll have to stow your spices down in the 'old with the rest o' the cargo, and you'll 'ave to get rid 'o that 'orse. We're already stock wit' livestock. And I'll 'ave no trouble wit'choo during this trip or I'll t'row you in the brig mysel'. Aye?"[/color][/b] Both the Darfallen and the Aenshi looked at Par expectantly as the beautiful ship bobbed invitingly in the background. Gulls wheeled overhead, calling excitedly, as though they knew that the launch was imminent. There wasn't much time. -- When the bosun was finished speaking to Par, he turned and almost put his hand down right on top of Dain before the diminutive voice made him pause. He added the name "Alexander Skye" on the scroll, shaking his head a little. [b][color=7ea7d8]"Nay, Captain Blaine's up on deck. You mus' be Dain Cres'. Only got one fairy on my list. Your passage 'as already been paid for. Welcome aboard." [/color][/b] The darfellan eyed the tiny trunk, as well as the tiny winged man next to it, and frowned with displeasure. He preferred it when things went smoothly, and taking landlubbers never went smoothly. [b][color=7ea7d8]"You'll know 'im when you see 'im," [/color][/b]Darshane added unhelpfully, crossing one more name off his list. As the fairy and his trunk made their way up to the main deck, a pair of wide yellow eyes set in the face of a sleek gray tabbycat followed closely behind. There were always cats on ships. Mainly because there were always rats on ships, because like thieves, they always managed to find their way in. But this cat was enthralled by the colourful flutter of Dain's wings and slinked after him like a shadow. But just as it was about to pounce, a white raven swooped down from nowhere and pecked a clump of silver hair from the tip of its tail. Humoured by its own joke, the bird cackled like a mad old washerwoman. [b]"Ha ha haaaaw!"[/b] The cat, swearing vengeance, disappeared. Donovan Blaine lounged on a pile of crates and barrels, one booted foot swinging free as he waited for the passengers to finish boarding. He trusted Darshane to keep the bulk of the troublemakers off of his new boat, because even though he didn't own it, he was her Captain now, but was still waiting for his First Mate. A woman, apparently. Old Cavendish had insisted on hiring his own crew. The flying being who would eventually approach him was met with sparkling blue eyes and a curious grin. He didn't stand or bow or any of that nonsense, but moved his arm so that Dain could alight at head height on a crate. [b][color=00a99d]"Good morrow, Mr. Crest. Usually any crewman who dared attack a passenger on my ship would win ten stripes and a bunk in the brig for the entire voyage, but I doubt even I could catch that cat."[/color][/b] He was grinning amusedly. [b][color=00a99d]"Is there some'mat I can do for you? We've set aside a cabin for you."[/color][/b] Captain Blaine seemed a cheerful sort and tossed some of his long blonde hair back while waiting for the fairy to speak. Even so, there was someting even in his apparent laziness that suggested the rapier on hip wasn't just for show.