[center][h2]A First[/h2][/center] [center][@Wind Wild], Viciousmarrow[/center] [center]Ludelle Glowren, Izual Anzhela[/center] [center]Day 3, Noon[/center] “Hello there. My name is Ludelle, what is yours?” The words came out from an Elven woman, who was a bit shorter than the Elves Izual was used to seeing. His newly restored eyes took her in, noting her extended hand, gracious smile, and her decorative dress. Unfortunately, the Hellspawn was woefully unprepared for such an encounter. He had spent a great deal of the morning exercising extreme caution at this wedding and had purposefully avoided the opposite sex, for any social interaction at all would require him to follow a strict set of rules and possibly lasso him into an arranged marriage. [i]'Remember, compliment her and smile. Be warm and friendly, but not overbearing. Stand tall and confident, and make sure she notices you!'[/i] A little over a year ago, these rules were given to him the one time he had gone to a wedding, that of a great nobleman's. Ariadne, his late mother, had dragged her son there in an attempt to plot a marriage between Izual and the nobleman's sister so that they might be better protected against the Hellspawn's father. Unfortunately, that night ended up a disaster when Izual drank too much, blacked out, and was accused of deflowering the nobleman's sister. He didn't remember any of that, just the memories of his mother and himself being chased out of town. From that night on, he had thought of weddings as events where people get married and schedule for others to be married, where one mistake would have you sentenced to death. He wasn't exactly sure how the engagements were made, but someone was pulling the strings. Right now, the fact this woman was approaching told him that someone had paired [i]him[/i] and [i]her[/i] together, which meant an accord had been struck. The poor man knew nothing of the reality of the situation: that of simply a woman introducing herself to him for no other reason than to strike up a conversation. Nonetheless, Izual steeled himself and braved the challenge set before him. If this was the woman that the higher powers willed him to be with, then the Knight had no other choice. Though he knew he was a flawed man, he would not fail this challenge! [color=slateblue]"Ludelle... That's a delightful name. My name is Izual Anzhela."[/color] he responded to the Elf in a surprisingly intelligent manner, a coy grin spreading on his face. Gently, the [url=http://www.themoderngladiator.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/very-cool-skinny-suit-fashion-article-on-suits-feature.jpg]fancily dressed[/url] Hellspawn took her hand and, with a flourishing bow, put his lips to the reverse side of her palm, careful not to gore her with his long, black horns. Standing back upright he dared to continue his romantic onslaught. [color=slateblue]"I hope you don't mind me saying, but... You have an amazing smile."[/color] His comment came out like pure honey, and for the first time in his life, he actually thought he had been successfully [i]'romantic'[/i]. Surely his mother would be proud. Hopefully this would be enough to sate the higher powers, Christian, the Masters and Mistresses, or whoever they may be, and show he was devoted to this orchestrated engagement. There would be no screw ups this time!