[center][img]https://36.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8agpyJrPT1r2391ro1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [i]To whom it may concern, greetings and welcome to the Griffins. We are also known as the Rebellion, or in less polite circles, Those Fucking Anarchists. This letter is here to help you get situated, and informed about what is going on. And that starts with a history lesson. Don't worry, it's a fun one. So, as you may or may not have guessed from the evil sorceress who took over the world, magic is real. Now, our friendly neighborhood dictator would have you believe that she has granted those who deserve it, magic, and that she is a godsend, here to bless us in any way possible. Well that's a load of horseshit. And let me tell you why. Since the beginning of time, magic has always been around. It's in the air, the tress, the water, even in you. Sorcerers are just the lucky people who are able to harness that magic. Now, long before all this, but just a little bit after the dinosaurs, sorcerers and normal humans coexisted. But, seeing as us humans are the literal scum of the earth, we drove the sorcerers away. This created a discord between the two groups, and as they evolved, they grew farther and farther apart, until the humans believed magic to be nothing but a fairy tale. All that changed in the year 1922. That was when sorcerers were discovered. And that's when the world began to crumble. On January 1st, 1922, the sorcerers came out publicly to every government around the world. And they were greeted with open arms. Their powers helped advance technology at rapid speeds, and they helped to heal some of the worst ailments. But there were men and women out there who despised the sorcerers for their powers, angry that they didn't have their abilities. None of this hatred was helped by the fact that sorcerers were becoming more and more common. By the year 1975, sorcerers made up almost 40% of the world's population. And if it's one thing humans don't like, it's being threatened. Worried that the, "good-old fashioned, normal folk" would soon become extinct, violence against sorcerers became much more common. Despite their powers, it was hard to defend against a surprise bullet to the face. All this violence led to rifts between the "norms" and the sorcerers. And it's what led to where we are today. America was always a hub of sorcerer activity. A majority of America was in fact, sorcerers and as such, in 2000, Lucille Laurent was elected the first sorceress president of the United States. She'd pledged to end violence against sorcerers and to unite the people as one loving group of humans. And unite them she did. By 2004, she'd enslaved the norms of America, and called for sorcerers all over the world to rise up against the humans and destroy them. And many did. By 2007, Lucille Laurent was now Empress Lucille Laurent of the Sorcerers' World Order. Yeah, it's pretentious I know. Humans were forced to work, and the sorcerers who didn't agree with that, were killed. The humans who escaped enslavement and the sorcerers who went against Lucille soon found each other. Their common enemy turned them into allies, and they formed the Griffins, a name chosen for what it represented. The humans are the lion, angry but strong and stubborn. And the sorcerers are the eagle, granting the lion the wings and the talons it needs to defeat it's foes. It's beautiful I know. So yeah, that brings us to 2016. The Griffins are hard at work trying to bring that bitch Lucille to her knees, but it's a hard war to fight. Luckily, we have you. Yeah, this is a generic letter, addressed to everyone, but everyone who joins the Griffins is important. A war isn't won without people. Remember that, and train hard. Sincerely, Jessica Lancaster[/i] [hr][hr] Rules: 1. All the basics. No godmodding, fade to black, blahblahblah 2. Keep the drama out of the OOC 3. Stay active. If you're going to be inactive for a little bit just let me know. I understand that real life can get in the way. 4. I'm not a big stickler for post length but no one liners. Write at least a paragraph, preferably two. [hider=CS] [code] [color=???][center]Character's Name[/color][/center] [center][img]Faceclaim of your character here. I prefer realistic pictures[/img][/center] [color=???][center]Quote by your character Quote about your character[/center][/color] [.hr][.hr] [center][img]gif or picture of your character[/img][/center] [.hr][.hr] [color=???][h3][center]The Basics[/center][/h3][/color] [color=???]Name[/color] [indent]First, last and middle if they have one[/indent] [color=???]Nicknames[/color] [indent]List of their nicknames and who calls them by that[/indent] [color=???]Birthday[/color] [indent]Keep in mind that this begins in January of 2016[/indent] [color=???]Age[/color] [indent]Sorcerers and humans have the same lifespan. Most people live to be about 130 with advancements in technology[/indent] [color=???]Gender[/color] [indent]Self-explanatory[/indent] [color=???]Sexuality[/color] [indent]Whatever you can think of[/indent] [color=???]Appearance[/color] [indent]A brief description of their style and any notable features they might have such as tattoos and what not[/indent] [.hr][.hr] [center][img]Picture or gif of your character[/img][/center] [.hr][.hr] [color=???][center][h3]Skills[/h3][/center][/color] [color=???]Sorcerer Type[/color] [indent]If you're a normal human just delete this. If not, the sorcerer types can be found under the sorcerer hider[/indent] [color=???]Skills[/color] [indent][list][*]Strengths, magical or non magical, of your character. Any skills that might keep them alive and make them useful to the Griffins[/list][/indent] [.hr][.hr] [center][img]Picture or gif of your character[/img] [.hr][.hr] [color=???][center][h3]Digging Deeper[/h3][/center][/color] [color=???]Likes[/color] [indent][list][*]at least seven[/list][/indent] [color=????]Dislikes[/color] [indent][list][*]at least seven[/list][/indent] [color=???]Habits[/color] [indent][list][*]at least three[/list][/indent] [color=????]Hobbies[/color] [indent][list][*]at least three[/list][/indent] [color=???]Fears[/color] [indent][list][*]At least three[/list][/indent] [color=???]Personality[/color] [indent]A full paragraph. Everyone has flaws![/indent] [color=????]History[/color] [indent]A full paragraph will do here too.[/indent] [.hr][.hr] [center][img]Picture or gif of your character[/img][/center] [.hr][.hr] [color=???][center][h3]Other Stuff[/h3][/center][/color] [color=???]Theme Song[/color] [indent][url=???]Song – Artist[/url] [sub]lyrics from the song[/sub][/indent] [/code] [/hider] [hider=Relationship Sheet (Optional)] This is totally optional but it could be helpful idk. Most of the character's will probably know each other a bit depending on if they're new recruits or not. [code] [center][h1][color=???]Character Name[/color][/h1] [img]Image or Gif of your charcter here[/img] [i]"Character quote here."[/i][/center] [ hr][ hr] [center][h2][u]C H A R A C T E R N A M E[/u][/h2] [i]"What will your character say out loud about them? Write it here."[/i][/center] Write a bit more in depth about their relationship here. [center][h2][u]C H A R A C T E R N A M E[/u][/h2] [i]"What will your character say out loud about them? Write it here."[/i][/center] Write a bit more in depth about their relationship here. [center][h2][u]C H A R A C T E R N A M E[/u][/h2] [i]"What will your character say out loud about them? Write it here."[/i][/center] Write a bit more in depth about their relationship here. [center][h2][u]C H A R A C T E R N A M E[/u][/h2] [i]"What will your character say out loud about them? Write it here."[/i][/center] Write a bit more in depth about their relationship here. [/code] [/hider] [hider=Sorcerers] There are six known types of sorcerers. Each type can utilize their magic in a specific way. There are elementalists, enchanters, technomancers, healers, druids and mentalists. A sorcerer that is one type can't utilize magic of another type, no matter how hard they try. Elementalists can bind the elements to their will. They can control the four basic elements, but secondary elements like ice and lightning can only be manipulated by a master elementalist. Some elementalists are immune to the cold or fire, and masters can even walk on water. Elementalists are the most common sorcerers and they make up most of Lucille's army. Enchanters use runes to use their magic. Enchanters can use their magic in a variety of ways. They can cast an explosive rune that acts as a land mine, or they could even enchant a gun so that it's bullets set the victim on fire. Enchanters are rather rare but many of them have been forced into working in weapon factories, and those who don't tend to make magical items that they sell for a hefty price. Tecnomancers have a great control over technology and are responsible for the technological innovation that the world has since experienced. Many of them have control over weapons and machines, and are able to turn of the power in a building, or make a car drive by itself. Many Technomancers work for the Rebellion, hacking into the Sorcerer's World Order databases and gaining intel. Healers are pretty self explanatory. Their magic can be used to heal physical injuries. Healers that are skilled enough work in hospitals or even as scientists, attempting to find cures to deadly diseases. Mentalists are the most versatile of all the sorcerers. Their skills range from telekinesis and telepathy to seeing the future and mind control. While average mentalists are not as rare as Enchanters, a mentalist who has truly mastered their craft is a rarity and watching them work can be a sight to behold. Lucille employs a number of mentalists as interrogators, and they are renowned for their success rates. Druids are a more shadowy type of sorcerer. Their skills toy with the laws of magic, bending so hard that they almost break. Druids can play with skeletons as if they are servants, raising them and using them as soldiers, or they can summon wisps that have incredible strength. They can even talk to animals, and many have familiars that follow them around. Some druids have a little bit of skill with healing, calling on the spirits to do such things. [/hider] [hider=History] So I'll try to keep this brief. Basically, back in prehistoric times, sorcerers and humans coexisted until the humans jealousy led to most of the sorcerers fleeing. Back then, magic wasn't as powerful and so they didn't stand a chance against the vast numbers of angry cavemen tribes. The sorcerers went into hiding until about the 1900's when the sorcerers decided to reveal themselves which went relatively well as they offered up their help in advancing technology. World leaders loved them because they helped advance the Industrial Revolution faster than they could have. But as the population of sorcerers grew, no longer fearing their discovery, resentment from the more bigoted groups grew as well. This resentment was what Lucille Laurent used as a platform to preach to those demanding justice, humans and sorcerers alike. Once she became president she began building a sorcerer army and slowly phasing humans into a life of servitude. Once the humans of America had finally realized what was happening, it was too late. She began taking control of the rest of the world and declared herself Empress. Now she rules from her newly built capital city of Decorum, which was built on the ruins of Washington D.C. [/hider] [hider=Technology] Most technology has been fused with magic in some way. Cars are powered by electricity runes, and lights are just simple lighting spells that any sorcerer can learn. Weaponry is the most advanced thing of this new age. Bullets have runes carved into them that can set their victim on fire or even freeze them solid. Some weapons are enchanted so that they only work if used by the owner. The police force commonly use a new form of taser gun which shoots electrified bullets and the military uses fully automatic weapons with explosive or incendiary runes carved into the bullets, depending on the job. [/hider] [hider=The Griffins] The Griffins are the biggest organized rebellion group in the world as of today. They were created once Lucille finally rose to power, but they haven't been able to do much damage. They're based in the Redwood Forest in California, in a village that is shrouded by some heavy magic. Their main focus has been trying to make contact with other resistance cells around the world but they haven't had a whole lot of luck uniting them. The Griffins are led by a four person council, two sorcerers and two humans, elected by the people. Any decisions they make must be unanimously ratified by the council, but they often ask the people for their advice before voting. [/hider] [hider=The Empress' Army] The Empress' Army is the current military of the Sorcerers' World Order. The Army is made up completely of sorcerers, mostly elementalists. The Army is completely subservient to the Empress, and she has been using them to fight the war with the Griffins. Serving in the Army is considered a noble task by many, and many individuals have risen to power through it. [/hider] [hider=The Sorcerers' World Order] The current government, the SWO encompasses every country on Earth. The head of the government is of course, Empress Lucille Laurent, but she is advised by her four generals, known to the Griffins as the Four Horsemen. The SWO does have a noble class, made up of families of powerful sorcerers who aided in Lucille's rise to power. [/hider] [hider=Non Magical Humans] Non Magical Humans, or Norms, are second class citizens in the SWO. Most work as servants for richer sorcerer families, or as fast food employees, or other low paying jobs. Norm neigborhoods are set aside in the less desirable parts of towns and Norms are not allowed to roam the town after midnight, by penalty of imprisonment. Norms are rarely given a real trial, often only mock trials are shown for the camera, but generally they are rushed through the justice system, and into the execution room. [/hider] [hider=Griffin's Keep] Griffin's Keep is the HQ of the Griffin's, and their biggest fortress in North America, or anywhere. Established around a large castle built by a wealthy and eccentric sorceress, the castle and it's surrounding town is home to roughly 500 men, women and children. The medical bay, council chambers, and other important rooms lie in the castle, while the farms and shops lie on the outside. The perimeter is constantly being patrolled and is protected by countless runes, among them which mask the area from Lucille's patrols. [/hider] Alright so, if you have any questions, ask me. Post your CS here in the OOC first for acceptance and then you can move it over to the Character tab once accepted.