Guts watched through his one dark, visible eye as the different people, of all shapes, sizes, and colors, introduced themselves with different levels of cheerfulness. He still didn't speak, deciding to spend his time calculating the appearances of the others. There was a reason that they were all called here, young or not - they each must have possessed some sort of hidden power, not obvious on their appearance. The Narancia boy...he seemed to summon some sort of flying contraption, which he accurately guessed to be the boy's main source of offense, or maybe a defense? The male goofballs seemed to make a 'Kamen Rider', whatever sort of form that was, and he virtually had no other information on the numerous little girls dotting the room. He hated not having a plan, but he would have to deal with it until he saw them in action. The being that had brought him to this place reappeared, and explained that three portals, set in front of the group, would take them to three different worlds...the worlds themselves being unknown. This was the start of the mission, then? He could choose his own path...already, he was feeling better about this whole thing, not being forced onto one singular world with all of these unknowns. Without hesitation, he stepped into the portal on the far right, no hesitation. His face was stoic, eyes narrowed and fierce. This was the start. When he felt his feet feel broken concrete, the smell of ash and corpses filling his nostrils, Guts' instincts began screaming. The man only did what was natural. A group of six infected had already been a mere few feet away, and as soon as they lunged, the gigantic Dragonslayer sword was already being swung in a wide arc, held by one hand as if it was a mere stick. Six heads went flying into the air, followed by disgusting spurts of thick brown blood. Guts ignored the blood as it splashed onto his Berserker armor, lips pulling down into a snarl as he began to survey his surroundings. Already, more of these Ghoul-looking beings seemed to be attracted to the portal. Gripping his buster-like sword with a steel-like, right-handed grip, Guts narrowed his one visible eye...and disappeared. It was like, one second he was there, and the next, he was in the midst of the herd of infected, blade cleaving through torsos and heads with reckless, yet oddly pinpoint precision, before they could swamp the portal and attack whomever would be his teammates for this mission. He had only came through the portal for 30 seconds, and he was already laying waste to his first obstacle. A grin began to build on his lips, in spite of himself. Guts backhanded a zombie as it got too close, sending it flying onto the ground as he turned around and abruptly slashed Dragonslayer up, towards the sky, cleaving another zombie completely in half, from it's groin to it's brain.