[@Eviledd1984] As his stress increased, so too did the blackness of the walls, until they were ashy and black again. The noises of the hotel faded out and it was once again abandoned by all but whatever creature was upstairs... And the black, charred corpse-like figure standing on his balcony. Urgently, it pointed down, into the yard, and dropped a note before disappearing, leaving only sooty footprints behind. [i] CAERBO[s]G[/s]G DEMANDS SACRIFICE[s]S[/s], APE! B[s]U[/s]RING SOMETHING LIVING TO THE NORTH STATUE WHEN YOU ARE IN THE ASH HOTEL. BRING IT TO CAERBOG AND BURN[s]BURNBURN[/s] IT.[/i] [@AeonSpiral] The nearest dome-shaped building emanates [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAzTnsSgs2s]music[/url] perhaps more soothing than the oh-so-charming tones of the gardener. In fact, it seems to be inhabited, with smoke coming out of the top and the distinct smell of meat cooking... [@VioletRose] "Head back to town." The man said jokingly in a low, gravelly drawl that seemed to be from everywhere in America and nowhere simultaneously, "But the rules don't say anythin' bout "sharin'" "samples"... Provided you plan on "tippin' my service" and ain' actually "buyin'" it, per se... Best ye don't talk about what I'm doin' here, though, if ye get what I mean." He ducked down and got the bottle again, refilling her glass, before finally accepting her hand for a firm shake. "Marvin." He grunted, in a manner that seemed to heavily imply that that was the way he introduced himself. [@DJAtomika] It seems the hotel is enveloped in a pale grey fog, the hotel made from steel and rivets, with several holes blasted in it. She walks in on a man wearing some sort of pickelhaube holding a double-barrelled shotgun, anxiously staring at a telegraph-like device as it beeps long and short... Could it be morse code? He seems thoroughly engrossed in what the machine is saying, too much to notice her, but long enough for her to get a better look at him. He was filthy, covered in ashes, mud, and what was hopefully stray rust, and his boots were worn, to the point where the steel toes were exposed through an inch of... Whatever combat boots are made out of. And he was also carrying the strangest of secondary weapons, or at least that was the obvious use for the enormous beef splitter he had strapped to his back... She might engage him in conversation, or sneak past this looney to investigate the smoke and pounding coming from the floor below.