Serana had put on her armor except for the helmet which she held under her arm. The Zeltron had her usual happy grin on her face which widened when she saw Mrak. She had named him Scruffy after managing to nag enough for him to show his face. She shifted her weight a couple times as if impatient, pushing Thalen and 'Scruffy' around a bit as she did by bumping into them. "Where the heck is the rest?" She asked Thalen. "Is your authority level so bad that no one deems you worth enough to actually get off their lazy asses and get said asses over here?" She then grinned widely and hid behind her buddy, hoping to get a reaction out of Thalen though at the same time just wanting a piggyback ride. She climbed onto Mrak whether he wanted it or not. She then seemingly pulled cake out of nowhere though it had just been on a shelf above them since she baked cake way too often to Thalen's liking and put those cakes all over the place along with the pink dye she kept buying in places. "Hey Scruffy, would you like some cake?" She asked in what she deemed a cute way.